Macs in Law Survey - Dashboard
Total Responses
Completion Rate
2 min
Average Time
Please describe yourself:
Answer | Count | Percent |
Practicing lawyer in a small law firm (1-10 attorneys) | 470 | 48.81% |
Practicing lawyer in a medium-size law firm (11-50 attorneys) | 76 | 7.89% |
Practicing lawyer in a large law firm (> 50 attorneys) | 162 | 16.82% |
Law student | 96 | 9.97% |
In-house counsel | 36 | 3.74% |
Other | 123 | 12.77% |
Total | 963 | 100 % |
Please describe yourself: - Text Data for Other
11/09/2010 | 12592732 | legal assistant |
11/08/2010 | 12584971 | Law Clerk (taking bar exam in Feb '11) |
11/08/2010 | 12577023 | IT Firm specializing in supporting law firms |
11/06/2010 | 12560813 | independent paralegal |
11/05/2010 | 12546961 | Legal Assistant in a small law firm |
11/05/2010 | 12546109 | recent law school grad, waiting for bar results |
11/04/2010 | 12540443 | Office manager |
11/03/2010 | 12527200 | Certified Paralegal |
11/02/2010 | 12515509 | paralegal |
11/01/2010 | 12501493 | Research Manager in a large firm (>50 attorneys) |
What is your primary computer's operating system?
Answer | Count | Percent |
Windows | 36 | 37.5% |
Mac | 60 | 62.5% |
Total | 96 | 100 % |
Do you have an iPad?
Answer | Count | Percent |
Yes | 10 | 10.42% |
No | 86 | 89.58% |
Total | 96 | 100 % |
Do you plan on purchasing an iPad in the next year?
Answer | Count | Percent |
Yes | 1 | 33.33% |
No | 2 | 66.67% |
Total | 3 | 100 % |
When you graduate, which platform will you choose to base your office's IT needs upon?
Answer | Count | Percent |
Windows | 27 | 32.93% |
Mac | 52 | 63.41% |
Other | 3 | 3.66% |
Total | 82 | 100 % |
When you graduate, which platform will you choose to base your offices IT needs upon? - Text Data for Other
10/28/2010 | 12456210 | I won't have a choice. I'd prefer a Mac. |
10/28/2010 | 12452313 | both |
10/26/2010 | 12425863 | Whatever I need to. |