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Kentucky Practice-Based Research Network Analysis Survey
1. The Public Health Practice-Based Research Networks Program is a national program created by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support expanded research on public health services and systems. Under this program, grantees develop networks of people who work together on research that addresses important, unanswered questions encountered in public health practice. These networks, called PBRNs, are part of a larger field of research that aims to produce evidence on how to improve the organization, financing, and/or delivery of public health services.

Study Background: This study aims to describe the organizations and individuals who have participated in the work of the public health PBRNs during their first year of development. This study is being conducted by leaders in the Kentucky PBRN in collaboration with research staff at the PBRN National Coordinating Center located at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. The study is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

You and your organization have been identified as possible participants in the Kentucky PBRN. As a result, we request that you participate in this study by completing a brief questionnaire about your interaction with the Kentucky PBRN. Your participation in this study is voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at any time and discontinue your participation in the questionnaire. To maintain confidentiality, your responses on this questionnaire will not be attributed to you or your organization in any publications or reports that are shared with individuals outside the UAMS research team. Data and results will be shared outside the UAMS research team only in formats that do not link responses to specific individuals and organizations.

Benefits of Participation: Your participation in this study will help researchers and PBRN developers learn about how research networks develop and operate. Results from the study may lead to improvements in PBRNs and ultimately to research that helps public health agencies improve their services and practices. As a participant in this study, you will receive a report of study findings that may help your organization learn about PBRNs and ways of participating in these networks.

Defining Research in PBRNs: This questionnaire asks about your participation in research activities conducted through the Kentucky PBRN. In this study, research activities may include any or all of the following types of activities: (1) identifying research topics and questions that are relevant to public health practice; (2) developing or refining research plans and/or protocols; (3) seeking and obtaining funding for research projects; (4) implementing a public health research study (e.g. recruiting study sites and/or participants, collecting, exchanging or reporting data, and analyzing and interpreting findings; (5) disseminating study findings to key stakeholders through papers, reports and presentations; (6) applying study findings to practices and policies within your own organization; and (7) helping other organizations apply study findings.

For more information: If you have any questions about this study, feel free to contact Angela Dearinger at the Kentucky PBRN at [email protected] or (859) 323-6749 or Glen Mays at the National Coordinating Center at [email protected] or (501) 551-0106.
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