Sponsored by : University of Virginia - QuestionPro Academic Sponsorship Programme
Exit Survey
Informed Consent Agreement

Please read this consent agreement carefully before you decide to participate in the study.

Purpose of the research study: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact involvement with a program or community has on the student experience.

What you will do in the study: Participants will complete a survey regarding a particular aspect of their college experience.

Time required: The study will require about 15 minutes of your time.

Risks: There are no anticipated risks in this study.

Benefits: There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this research study. The study may help us understand the benefits of specific programs and communities to the undergraduate experience.
Confidentiality: The information that you give in the study will be anonymous. Your name or other identifying information will not be collected or linked to these data.

Voluntary participation: Your participation in the study is completely voluntary.

Right to withdraw from the study: You have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.

How to withdraw from the study: If you want to withdraw from the study, stop the survey and do not submit your responses. There is no penalty for withdrawing. Because data is anonymous it will not be possible to withdraw after your materials have been submitted.

Payment: You will receive no payment for participating in the study

If you have questions about the study, contact:

Christian L. Steinmetz, Ph.D.
Curry School of Education, EDLF – Higher Education
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903.
Telephone: (434) 924-3180
Email address: [email protected]

If you have questions about your rights in the study, contact:

Tonya R. Moon, Ph.D.
Chair, Institutional Review Board for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
One Morton Dr Suite 500
University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800392
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0392
Telephone: (434) 924-5999
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.virginia.edu/vpr/irb/sbs

Agreement: Completion and submission of this survey indicates consent to participate.