Exit Survey

This questionnaire serves to obtain a more in-depth view of the import and export activities at your facility. The results of this questionnaire will help Jarden Corporate in conjunction with the Business Units determine areas of opportunity in our global import/export operations pertaining to compliance, operational efficiencies and whether Jarden and its businesses should be exploring software tools and developing best practices to help manage our complex trade network.
The questionnaire will refer to “Customs and Trade.” For purposes of this study Customs and Trade is defined as:
Activities related to interaction with government regulatory agencies that monitor cross border trade, i.e., importation and exportation. This can include, but is not limited to: All Customs, Other Government Departments (OGD) compliance and strategic activities. Communications with customs, OGD authorities, customs broker/agent management, documentation retention, internal audits, custom’s and process development, and related activities.


Facilities: A facility can be a factory or distribution center that imports and exports. If your responsibilities cover import and export for multiple facilities, we ask that you submit a separate reply for each facility you manage. A consolidated questionnaire can be completed if your import and export program is the same across the facilities you manage, providing those facilities are all in the same country. The questionnaire will reference “facility” in the singular, we understand you may be responding for multiple “facilities”.

Who should complete this questionnaire? The person responsible for import and export or other cross border regulatory requirements should complete this questionnaire. We understand that multiple people may assist managing customs and trade functions and will be required to participate in completing this questionnaire. For purposes of defining ownership, list the lead individual responsible for compiling response to this questionnaire as main contact below. At your discretion you can list other individuals who assisted you in completing this questionnaire, at the end of the report.
Please attempt to answer all questions to the best of your ability and return the completed questionnaire by February 21, 2014

1. In any instance where "Other" is selected, an explanation must be given in the “Remarks” section following the question. Feel free to use the “Remarks” section for any elaboration of your response.
2. If a question does not relate to your facility, note “Not Applicable” in “Remarks” section with a brief explanation why.
3. For some questions, multiple responses are accepted. These questions will contain, "Select all that apply."
4. If additional space is needed for your responses, please use the “Additional Information/Comments” field at the end of the survey.

We understand that the business model employed at your facility may be complex and make it difficult to respond conclusively to some of the questions. If you need assistance responding to a question direct all inquiries to the customs and trade lead at your company’s headquarters to help you determine best way to respond.
The Customs and Trade lead for your company will be on the email that contained the link for this questionnaire.

Thank you for your cooperation and time.

Frank Garcia
Jarden Director of Customs and Trade