Respondent Welcome
Prior to starting the survey, please close all other browser windows. It is recommended that you take the survey on a desktop or laptop computer. The survey may not function properly if taken on mobile devices, such as smart phones, tablets, and e-notebooks.

This survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. If you are eligible to take the survey and complete the entire survey you will receive a gift card valued at $125. You may only complete the survey one time. Prescribers who are licensed in Vermont and are members of the Vermont Green Mountain Care Program are not eligible to participate.

While we have offered to pay you for completing this survey, you can participate in the survey even if you do not want to be paid. Please provide your name, address, and National Provider Identifier (NPI) number in the appropriate fields in order to receive payment. NPI numbers are used to identify prescribers for reporting of certain payments as part of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reporting requirements (otherwise known as the "Sunshine Act").

To Take the survey and receive payment, please provide your NPI number below.

If you do not know your NPI number, click here to look it up, return to this browser window and enter it below, then continue to the survey. Without your NPI number, you will not be paid.
Enter your National Provider Identifier (NPI) here:
To take the survey without providing your NPI and forfeit payment, click Continue.
If you have questions or problems with the survey, please contact the Survey Coordinating Center at 1-855-840-6429