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SOARING 2 Officer Baseline
Please read this brief informed consent statement:

This research is being conducted to gather information which will help in further implementation of SOARING 2 in your community corrections setting. Participation in the research procedures will include a short survey (30-45 minutes) and a pretest (20-30 minutes) at the start of the study period, a series of training modules and quizzes (10-15 hours), and a second short survey (30-45 minutes) at the end of the study period. Administrative data will also be collected to gather information regarding the offenders under your supervision. Additionally, staff may be observed by study coaches throughout the study period.

The foreseeable risks of participating in this survey research are limited. In answering the questions, you may provide information or opinions that are critical of your agency or may be viewed unfavorably by administrators, supervisors, or fellow employees, with the small risk that this information or opinions may be seen by others. Research staff will implement procedures to reduce these risks, as described below.

Benefits to individuals within participating offices include valuable training on skills associated with using evidence-based practices for the effective management of offenders. Participating agencies will also be introduced to e-learning as a cost-efficient method of providing knowledge and skills to staff members. Finally, the agency will also benefit from the introduction of internal coaching networks in their organization that can continue to be utilized after the conclusion of this study. From a larger perspective, this study will benefit the field of criminal justice by providing proven, cost-effective methods of providing probation officers and other justice staff with evidence-based skills and knowledge. It will illustrate the impact of these new skills on offender outcomes.

The data in this study will be kept confidential. To help protect your confidentiality your name will not be included on the survey instruments and other collected data. Instead, we will replace your name with a unique numerical code. Your responses will only be able to be linked to your identity through the use of an identification key. Only researchers from GMU will have access to the identification key. No administrators in your agency, including your supervisor, will be told about your participation in the survey. They will also not be told if you choose to not answer some survey questions or terminate your participation in the survey.

Your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at any time and for any reason. If you decide not to participate or if you withdraw from the study, there is no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. There are no costs to you or any other party.

This research is being conducted by Dr. Faye S. Taxman of the Criminology, Law and Society Department at George Mason University. Dr. Taxman may be reached at 703-993-8555 or [email protected] for questions or to report a research-related problem. You may contact the George Mason University Office of Research Integrity & Assurance at 703-993-4121 or [email protected] if you have questions or comments regarding your rights as a participant in this research. This research has been reviewed according to George Mason University procedures governing your participation in this research.

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