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Questions marked with a * are required
* How did you learn of our event?
EiE's twitter page
Business network
EiE's Facebook page
Through a friend
On the internet
While passing the event location
EiE's Newsletter/E-mail
* Please specify the main reason for attending this event.
Interest in event topic
To support the organization
You know the organizers or participants
Personal Growth & Development
The Speakers

* Did the event fulfil your reason for attending?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Email address (optional)
Please indicate the importance of the following to you:
Very Unimportant Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Very Important
* Content
* Venue
* Registration Process
* Ease of transportation or parking
* Length of event
* Event organization
* Opportunity to network with fellow attendees
* How likely are you to attend this type of event again?
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Somewhat Unlikely
Will not attend
* How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend or colleague?
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Somewhat Unlikely
Will not Recommend
* Which of our other programs are you aware of? Select all that apply.
New Media Citizens and Governance Conference (NMCG)
Social Media Week
Election Candidate Debate
Office Of The Citizen On Radio
I am unaware of these events.

How interested are you in the following programs?
Very Uninterested Somewhat Uninterested Neutral Somewhat Interested Very Interested
* New Media Citizens and Governance Conference
* Social Media Week
* RSVP Campaign/Election Candidate Debate
* Office Of The Citizen on Radio
Do you have any suggestions for improving the events that we offer?
EiE Nigeria