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Please enter the name of the author here.
What is the title of the manuscript?
How do you feel about this manuscript's...
Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
* Opening
* Use of Language
* Plot
* Conclusion

Which of the following best describes the manuscript? (Choose as many as 4 of these.)
Other (please explain)

Did the work have a satisfatory focus (a unity of purpose)?
Did the work have enough detail?

Poor Fair Good Excellent
How was the balance, or feeling of proportion, in the work?
What was the strong point of this manuscript?
What can be done to improve the work?
What is the most likely "Target Audience" for this work?
In what state (US) or country do you live?

13-17 years 18-25 years 26-35 years 36-45 years 46-55 years 56-65 years Over 65
What is your age group?

Female Male
What is your gender?

Student Employed (full or part time) Homemaker Retired Volunteer Not employed
Which of the following describes you best?

Fiction NonFiction Poetry Satire Children's Historical Tech Writing Business Writing
What is your main interest area?

Less than high school High school graduate Some college College graduate Some post graduate Post graduate degree
Please indicate your highest level of education completed.

Yes No
Have you taken a writing course?
What is your email address? (e.g., [email protected])
If you have any works on or, please write one of your titles here.
Please contact [email protected] or click here if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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