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Welcome and thanks from MDSP Project Team for taking our survey!
"Mobile Developer Survey Project" is a research project by Carnegie Mellon CyLab Mobility Research Center.
Our main research goal is to provide a decision framework to mobile application developers; we want them to succeed when they make decisions about both market and technical issues.

You can help us filling precisely this survey: it takes about 15 minutes and counts nearly 20 questions. If you can't complete it right now, please save the link and come back before Jan. the 15th: your opinion is really essential for us!
Participating our survey you'll be eligible to be rewarded with a 50$ Amazon gift card.
Please note that only completely filled and submitted survey will be taken into account.
Be sure to fill in your e-mail so that we can send you a summary of the survey results and possibly a Prize!

Thank you very much for your valuable time and support.
To learn more about our project visit our open wiki.

Privacy Policy: we'll use data received through the survey only to accomplish our research goals; all data will be summarized for reporting, and no individual information will be disclosed to other parties.
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Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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