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Hacker Questionnaire

Dear Hacker:

Your opinions are very important to us.

As part our research, please take a few minutes to share your views.

The results from this survey will be kept strictly confidential (nonpersonal information will be published in aggregate form). We appreciate your time.


Nathan Roberts
Aaron Moyes
Brigham Young University
MISM Program


Which statement best represents your situation?

I hack mostly
On my own With others

(1=lowest skill, 10=highest skill)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What is your level of hacking ability?
What would your friends say your ability is?

(For the next two questions, choose all that apply)

What type of hacking have you done?
IP Spoofing
Back Door
SYN Flood
Physical Entry / Dumpster Diving
Password Cracking
War Dialing
Buffer Overflows
Rootkit Commands
Session Hijacking
Web Spoofing
SQL Attacks
This list is NOT my definition hacking!


What types of results have you achieved?
Expose and report insecurities
Install a rootkit
Online graffiti
Fought child pornography (or similar cause)
Firewall takeover
Taught other Hackers
Hacked NAT
Spread important and useful information to the world
Data deletion
Crippled a firewalled network
Thwarted a criminal
Crippled a website
Account Harvesting
Push political agenda
Non-computer accesses (phone line, etc)

What is the coolest thing you have ever "pulled off?"
What would the ultimate hack/crack be to you?

Have you ever been caught or prosecuted for hacking/cracking?
Yes No


(Choose up to 3)
You MOST OFTEN hack because
I enjoy it
To socialize
It's a challenge I can't ignore
To hurt people
To help people
To learn
To get rich
To prove I am the best
Information should be free
To beat other hackers to the goal
To push the envelope of what mankind can achieve
I'm bored


Do you (or would you like to) plant challenges or "easter eggs" for your friends to hack into?
Yes No

(choose the option the best represents your situation)
Definately Yes Probably Yes Neutral Probably No Definately No
I would be interested in participating in a hacking tournament just to prove or test my skills.
I would be interested in participating in a hacking tournament that involves prizes of increasing value for the various levels of hacking.
I would consider being a sponsored hacker. (give consulting and security tips to corporate or governments for pay or benefits)

(Choose one)
Which best represents your perception of law enforcement personnel?
A necessary evil
Mostly bad with a few good
Mostly good with a few bad
They are trying to ruin my hobby
What would we do without them?
They just don't understand me
Which best represents your perception of large corporations?
I hate them!
An unfortunate reality of our corrupt world
Mostly bad with a few good
Mostly good with a few bad
A strong economy couldn't exist without them
They just don't understand me
Do you consider (white hat) hacking to be - choose one
Illegal Immoral Harmless fun Helpful to Sites

Do you consider (black hat) cracking to be - choose one
Illegal Immoral Harmless fun Helpful to sites
What suggestions do you have for improving relations between hackers, corporations, and government entities?
Online Name "Handle"
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Please contact [email protected] or click here if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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