Survey Report: Interruptive marketing survey
Total Responses
Completion Rate
5 min
Average Time
62% Desktop  /  LAPTOP 71% Windows 28% Mac 1% Linux 0% Other
35% SMARTPHONES 50% Android 49% iPhone 1% Windows 0% Other
3% TABLETS 77% iPad 23% Android 0% Windows 0% Other
What country are you located in?
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
France 0 0%
Germany 0 0%
Ireland 154 36.84%
United Kingdom 264 63.16%
United States 0 0%
Other, please specify 0 0%
Total 418 100 %
What country are you located in? - Text Data for Other, please specify
Have you received or encountered any of the following communications in the last 6 months? (Select all that apply)
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Auto-playing online video advertisements 766 9.3%
Direct mail ads or promotions (e.g., mailers, ‘junk mail’, credit card offers) 826 10.03%
Email advertisements (e.g., promotional or sale announcements) 856 10.39%
Email newsletters 812 9.86%
Online display advertisements 709 8.61%
Online video advertisements 711 8.63%
Pop up online advertisements 753 9.14%
Sponsored Facebook ads 769 9.34%
Sponsored LinkedIn posts 425 5.16%
Sponsored Twitter ads 444 5.39%
Telemarketing calls 448 5.44%
Television commercials 718 8.72%
None of the above 0 0%
Total 8237 100 %
In general, did each ad generate a positive or negative reaction/experience for you?
Question Count Score
Extremely negative Somewhat negative Neutral/No opinion Somewhat positive Extremely positive Don't know
Auto-playing online video advertisements 758 1.95
Direct mail ads or promotions (e.g., mailers, ‘junk mail’, credit card offers) 819 2.2
Email advertisements (e.g., promotional or sale announcements) 851 2.85
Email newsletters 805 3.38
Online display advertisements 704 2.82
Online video advertisements 706 2.52
Pop up online advertisements 748 1.7
Sponsored Facebook ads 763 3.01
Sponsored LinkedIn posts 421 3.21
Sponsored Twitter ads 440 2.95
Telemarketing calls 447 1.41
Television commercials 708 3.12
Average 2.6
Auto-playing online video advertisements
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 326 43.01%
Somewhat negative 226 29.82%
Neutral/No opinion 135 17.81%
Somewhat positive 60 7.92%
Extremely positive 11 1.45%
Total 758 100 %
Direct mail ads or promotions (e.g., mailers, ‘junk mail’, credit card offers)
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 227 27.72%
Somewhat negative 285 34.8%
Neutral/No opinion 230 28.08%
Somewhat positive 67 8.18%
Extremely positive 10 1.22%
Total 819 100 %
Email advertisements (e.g., promotional or sale announcements)
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 86 10.11%
Somewhat negative 228 26.79%
Neutral/No opinion 294 34.55%
Somewhat positive 211 24.79%
Extremely positive 32 3.76%
Total 851 100 %
Email newsletters
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 38 4.72%
Somewhat negative 89 11.06%
Neutral/No opinion 280 34.78%
Somewhat positive 329 40.87%
Extremely positive 69 8.57%
Total 805 100 %
Online display advertisements
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 61 8.66%
Somewhat negative 182 25.85%
Neutral/No opinion 309 43.89%
Somewhat positive 126 17.9%
Extremely positive 26 3.69%
Total 704 100 %
Online video advertisements
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 156 22.1%
Somewhat negative 199 28.19%
Neutral/No opinion 201 28.47%
Somewhat positive 126 17.85%
Extremely positive 24 3.4%
Total 706 100 %
Pop up online advertisements
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 419 56.02%
Somewhat negative 192 25.67%
Neutral/No opinion 94 12.57%
Somewhat positive 32 4.28%
Extremely positive 11 1.47%
Total 748 100 %
Sponsored Facebook ads
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 67 8.78%
Somewhat negative 155 20.31%
Neutral/No opinion 292 38.27%
Somewhat positive 201 26.34%
Extremely positive 48 6.29%
Total 763 100 %
Sponsored LinkedIn posts
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 22 5.23%
Somewhat negative 60 14.25%
Neutral/No opinion 183 43.47%
Somewhat positive 121 28.74%
Extremely positive 35 8.31%
Total 421 100 %
Sponsored Twitter ads
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 42 9.55%
Somewhat negative 97 22.05%
Neutral/No opinion 168 38.18%
Somewhat positive 109 24.77%
Extremely positive 24 5.45%
Total 440 100 %
Telemarketing calls
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 332 74.27%
Somewhat negative 70 15.66%
Neutral/No opinion 28 6.26%
Somewhat positive 12 2.68%
Extremely positive 5 1.12%
Total 447 100 %
Television commercials
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely negative 52 7.34%
Somewhat negative 112 15.82%
Neutral/No opinion 296 41.81%
Somewhat positive 193 27.26%
Extremely positive 55 7.77%
Total 708 100 %
Have you ever unsubscribed from receiving emails from a company?
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Yes 911 89.4%
No 86 8.44%
Don’t know 22 2.16%
Total 1019 100 %
Why did you unsubscribe from emails? (Select all that apply)
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
They were sending me too many emails 693 40.41%
The email topics weren’t aligned with my interests 540 31.49%
I didn’t sign up for emails with the company to begin with 394 22.97%
Emails weren’t loading correctly 56 3.27%
Other 32 1.87%
Total 1715 100 %
Why did you unsubscribe from emails? (Select all that apply) - Text Data for Other
06/07/2016 24766022 I had gone of the game that was being advertised
06/06/2016 24763120 Annoying
06/04/2016 24760497 Irritating
06/04/2016 24759865 lost interest in them
12/20/2015 24235940 too many emails
12/17/2015 24232548 took on too many and filtered the important ones
12/17/2015 24231549 to many emails in general they were part of the cull
12/17/2015 24231022 The content in the emails is of low quality
12/16/2015 24230856 email storage
12/16/2015 24230851 Some won't let me unsubscribe