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Remote Access Post-Survey - Note that this survey has been updated. Please fill out the updated survey instead of this one, available at
Thank you for participating in a Remote Access session.

Please take a moment to answer the following questions about your remote experience.
* First Name
* Last Name
* E-mail
* Phone Number
* Institution
How well did the remote access videos prepare you for the remote activity?
1 Did not prepare me at all
2 Somewhat prepared me
3 Adequately prepared me
4 Greatly prepared me
5 Not Applicable
How well did the instructor guide you and your students towards a better understanding of the remote tools and their functions?
1 Not at all
2 Somewhat
3 Confirmed my understanding
4 Clarified my understanding
5 Greatly enhanced my understanding
How well did the instructor engage your students?
1 Did not engage them at all
2 Somewhat engaged them
3 Adequately engaged them
4 Greatly engaged my classroom
What was your overall impression of the remote activity (including videos, labs, remote tools, instructor presence, etc.)?
Very Dissatisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Would you recommend this type of activity to another faculty member or colleague?
If yes, to whom?
Did you find this learning experience more valuable than traditional text-book or lecture-based learning?
Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us.
Was anything unclear during the remote session or did you wish to spend more time on any concept?
How did this remote activity support your course objectives?
What course or course topic did this remote activity support?
If you used one of our remote labs, do you have any comments or suggestions on the clarity, layout, background information or procedures?
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