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Remote Access Post-Survey - Note that this survey has been updated. Please fill out the updated survey instead of this one, available at
Thank you for participating in a Remote Access session.

Please take a moment to answer the following questions about your remote experience.
Please select one of the following:
I am a middle school student
I am a high school student
I am a 2yr/technical student
I am a 4yr university/college student
How well did the remote access videos prepare you for the remote activity?
1 Did not prepare me at all
2 Somewhat prepared me
3 Adequately prepared me
4 Greatly prepared me
5 Not Applicable
Did having an instructor present enhance your learning/understanding of the remote activity?
1 Did not enhance my learning/understanding
2 Somewhat enhanced my learning/understanding
3 Enhanced my learning/understanding
4 Greatly enhanced my learning/understanding
Did you find the instructor engaging? (For example, did they capture your attention, or make the material interesting and fun?)
1 I was not interested at all
2 I was somewhat interested
3 I was interested
4 I was very interested
Did you find this learning experience more valuable than traditional text-book and lecture-based learning?
Would you recommend this type of activity to a teacher, friend or classmate?
If yes, to whom?
Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us.
Did you wish to spend more time on any part of the remote activity?
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