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Professional Certification in Biological Waste Management – Job Task Analysis Survey

Dear Colleagues,

The International Federation of Biosafety Associations (IFBA) is launching pilot tests for a new certification program for biorisk management and biosafety professionals worldwide. The distinctive program strives to fulfill our mission of “safe, secure and responsible work with biological materials” by advancing the body of knowledge and increasing the competency of our profession. The IFBA’s Professional Certification (PC) in Biological Waste Management identifies individuals with demonstrated competencies in the fundamental principles and practices of managing biological waste generated from laboratories and healthcare settings.

All IFBA certifications are based on a Body of Knowledge (BOK) developed by international subject-matter experts which outlines key knowledge and skills relevant to job competence. We are now seeking your assistance in assessing the significance of each knowledge/skill statement in relation to competent job performance. The results of this survey will be used to develop a blueprint for the design and content of the examination (e.g., the degree to which different content will be represented on the exam).

The purpose of this survey is to gather quantitative data regarding the knowledge and skills that are most important for biorisk management professionals managing biological waste. You will be presented with a list of knowledge and skill statements related to the management of biological wastes, sorted into domains (i.e. major topic areas). You will be asked to provide a rating of how important you think each one is for successful job performance as well as the extent to which you use each on the job. Knowledge and skill statements that have higher ratings deserve more weight on the exam.

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