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Tasting wine at home

simple rules
Giant wine glass

Tasting wine at home, with friends or family - is a pleasant event, it is easier to organize - and always learn something new about the wines. What you need and what you need to know? Not so much as it might seem at first glance ...

First of all, the wine tasting, note the clarity and color of the wine. These two indicators tell you the status and maturity of the wine. For example, the higher the maturity of white wine, the more it is expressed shining golden shade until dark amber.

But not only of the ability to prepare for the enjoyment of wine. In addition, air-wine "open", filling it with the aroma, its flavor, and to capture this fragrance, you need some experience. After all, the majority of people do not have the experience and can not always find the words to describe the colors of smell. In this case, you will be very helpful comparison with familiar smells. This may be a flavor of fruit - apples, berries or peaches - or the smell of spring flowers or fresh, green fields. It can resemble a tree or smell, for example, carry a tinge of vanilla.
How to taste?

The taste of wine is revealed in different parts of the mouth of man. But above all, wine and taste buds will air. This explains why some wine lovers sip wine in small sips, or taking a sip of wine, a bit of air being drawn mouth and "rolling over" in the language of wine. This is because this way you can enjoy all the nuances of its taste and aroma.

To avoid the "overload" of taste perception in the tasting of several wines recommended to gradually increase their intensity from light to heavy, from dry to strong, from young to old wines. Of course, you can also try to only white or only red, only dry or just more mature wine - allow anything like and delicious.
No complications

Great preparations for wine tasting is not necessary. Of course, the wines themselves need, and they must be brought to the right temperature: cool white wine in the refrigerator for up to a temperature 7-8 ° C, but the red wines are best served to at approx. 18 ° C.

From what taste?

Indeed, in respect of wine glasses should only take into account two things: first, to reach their full wine bouquet, wine glasses should have a bowl in the shape of a tulip. And so you can see the color of the wine, without fingerprints, the glass should be more transparent with the leg, for which it should be kept.

What a snack?

For most wine served muffins or bread and a drink of fresh water. A slice of bread in the transition from one wine to another neutralize taste. But after tasting, and can serve a full meal, with a drink tasted earlier grades.

How to open?

Plug should be removed as soon as possible with care. It is best to use with a corkscrew with a coarse thread. It captures the plug, avoiding contact with the wine cork crumbs. The fact that especially in old wine cork often becomes brittle. White wine should be opened just before tasting. Rich red wines can be opened much earlier. Harder to perceive the aroma of wine, wine glasses should be filled no more than half full.

The opening of the new bottle promises pleasure, and when tasting it can be tested repeatedly. By the way, the numbers of: small tasting may include for four or five varieties, and 12-14 when tasting wines ability to discern the nuances of taste buds decreases.

In conclusion, it remains only to wish your friends and enjoy great fun and new experiences to your home wine tasting.
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