Exit Survey
This survey is only open to women who are currently on the faculty of a business school.  Please confirm that you meet this requirement
Yes I am a female business school faculty member.
I am a female but not a business school faculty member
I do not qualify but wanted to see what this survey was.about
Are you Tenured?
PhD Student
My school does not offer tenure
What is your current rank?
Endowed Professor
Please indicate the type of school you are at
Community College
Teaching Focused Undergraduate Institution Private
Teaching Focused Undergraduate Institution Public
Business School Only
Undergraduate University Private
Undergraduate University Public
Comprehensive University Private
Comprehensive University Public
Carnegie Research University Private
Carnegie Research University Public
Please answer the following regarding your own personal experience.  Have you ever experienced:
Happens Often Happens Occassionly Happened Once Never Happened
Inappropriate Advances from a Colleague
Inappropriate Advances from a Student
Unwanted Touching by a Colleague
Unwanted Touching by a Student
Personal comments regarding appearance from colleague
Personal comments regarding appearance from student
Felt physically threatened by a colleague
Felt physically threatened by a student
Verbally abused by a colleague
Verbally abused by a student
Made uncomfortable by the actions of a colleague
Made uncomfortable by the actions of a student
Negative comments on social media by colleague
Negative comments on social media by a student
For any of the items that you have personally experienced please discuss the incident in this box.  Be sure to include who, if anyone, you reported this incident or incidents to and what the outcome was.  Please remember to keep all names out of your description.
In reviewing the items in the above box, have you ever observed or been told by any of your colleagues about an experience related to any of these?  If yes, please use the box below to describe the incident or incidents as well as who they were reported to and what the outcome was.
In regards to your most recent performance review please answer the following
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I was fully informed of the standards I would be reviewed under.
I felt the review was fair.
I was asked inappropriate questions.
I was told inappropriate things.
Items not part of the review were discussed.
I felt respected after the review.
I felt valued after the review.
I was given clear priorities for my next review.
Related to your last review please use this box to expand on any items.
Thinking about the climate in your school please answer the following:
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Women are valued
Women are leaders
Women are given opportunities to lead
The Dean respects women
Women are treated fairly
Pay is the same for new male and female hires
Women have a voice in the college
There are representative numbers of women at all ranks
Schedules are accommodating to those faculty with caregiving responsibilities
Promotion processes are fair
Resource allocation is fair
Please use this box to provide any additional information about the climate in your school.  
In thinking about your own research, please answer the following
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
My research is valued
I am supported at levels equal to my male colleagues
I have the same access to senior faculty as my male colleagues
I have been asked to lead research seminars.
I am equally productive as other faculty at my rank
My research is not recognized as "high quality"
My research area is taken seriously.
Please use this box to discuss any items related to your research.
 Answer the following questions regarding your students
Happens Often Happens Frequently Happens Occassionally Happened Once Never Happened
On student evaluations I have had inappropriate comments about my looks
On student evaluations I have had inappropriate comments about my dress
On student evaluations I have had inappropriate comments about my demeanor
I have had students come to class under the influence
I have had students become verbally abusive in class
I have had students disrespect me in class
I have had students discuss deeply personal matters with me
I have had students tell me I am a role model
Please use this box to provide any additional information regarding your students.  
In your own personal experience have you ever
Yes No Would rather not answer
Felt you were a victim of gender discrimination
Thought about filing a gender discrimination charge
Filed a gender discrimination charge
Discussed a possible discriminatory act with a college administrator
Discussed a possible discriminatory act with a colleague
Been asked not to file a discrimination charge
Have a pending gender discrimination case
Please use this box to discuss any personal experience with gender discrimination.  
In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges facing female business school faculty today?
What is your current age?
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