
Virginia Speak Up: Students Grades 3-5

Questions marked with a * are required
1.What is your current grade level?
2.Which of these mobile devices do you have for your own use? Don't count devices that your school has given you to use or that you share with other people.
3.When you are at home, how often do you need to get online to do schoolwork?
4.Which statement best describes your internet access at home?
5.Which of these do you use when you are at school to help with learning?
6.How often do you use tablets or computers to help you with learning when you are at school?
7.How do you use a tablet or computer to help you with learning or schoolwork? Check all that apply.
8.How do you learn best? Choose the statement that is most true for you.
9.What is your most favorite way to read a book or story?
10.Which of these things are true for you? Check the ones that are true for you.
11.Read these sentences. Choose five sentences that show why using technology for learning is helpful.
12.Imagine you are the principal of your school. What would you do today to make your school better? Share ONE good idea with us. We will share them with your principal. (Open ended)
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