Virginia Speak Up: Students K-2 Group Survey

1.How many students are taking part in this group survey?
2.What is the current grade level of the class you are surveying?
3.Which of these mobile devices do you have for your own use? Don't count devices that your school has given you to use.  
Slide to enter the correct number of responses/raised hands
Smartphone with Internet
Digital reader
4.How much do you use the Internet at home to help you with schoolwork?  
Slide to enter the correct number of responses/raised hands
Every day
A few times a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Every few months
5.How would you describe your Internet at home?  
Slide to enter the correct number of responses/raised hands
I have internet access at home that lets me livestream videos and have classroom interaction such as talking with my teacher and classmates.
I have internet access at home, but it is too slow for live streaming or real time interaction.
I do not have internet access at home.
6.Which of these do you use when you are at school to help with learning?  
Slide to enter the correct number of responses/raised hands
Computers in the library
I don’t use computers at school
7.How much do you use tablets or computers to help you with learning when you are at school?  
Slide to enter the correct number of responses/raised hands
Every day
A few times a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Every few months
8.How do you use a tablet or computer to help you with learning or schoolwork? Students can respond for all that apply.  
Slide to enter the correct number of responses/raised hands
Create documents to share with my teacher or classmates
Do math problems
Do projects with classmates
Draw pictures and do art projects
Listen to books read to me
Read stories and books on my own
Listen to songs or music
Look up information
Make movies or slideshows/presentations
Play games
Send emails to my teacher
Take tests or quizzes
Watch movies or videos
Watch videos made by my teacher
Write computer programs or do coding projects
Write stories
9.What is your most favorite way to read a book or story?
Slide to enter the correct number of responses/raised hands
Reading a printed book.
Reading on a tablet or a computer.
10.Open-ended discussion or writing prompt: Imagine you are the principal of your school. What would you do today to make your school better? Share your good ideas with us. We will share them with your principal. (We recommend that you facilitate a 5-7 minute group discussion to select your group’s favorite answers to this question. Please feel free to list as many of your participants’ ideas as you wish below.) 
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