
Virginia Speak Up: Family Survey

Questions marked with a * are required
1.Select the grade(s) of your child(ren) in school this year. Check all that apply for your family.
2.Which of these mobile devices does your child(ren) have for their own personal use? Check all that apply.
Preschooler-2nd grader(s)
3-5 grader(s)
6-12 grader(s)
Smartphone with Internet
Digital reader
3.How does your child get online to do homework or schoolwork? Check all that apply.
4.Have you had a personal experience with taking a virtual course where all instruction is provided through a computer and Internet connection? Check all that apply.  
5.Did your child take a virtual course this year as part of their school day or online at home?
6.Would you like your child to take a virtual course as part of their school day or online at home?
7.What do you think are the potential benefits or positives for students taking virtual courses? Check all that apply.
8.What do you think are the potential challenges for students taking virtual courses? Check all that apply.
9.Which of these statements is most true for you?
10.Agree or disagree: When technology is used effectively and appropriately in school, it has a positive impact on my child’s learning potential and success.  
What do you think are the benefits of effective technology use in school as part of your child's learning experience? Check FIVE that benefit your child most.
As a result of using technology tools for learning purposes, my child is…  
12.What are the primary challenges or obstacles your child faces when using technology in school? Check all that apply.  
13.Digital citizenship has been defined as the set of norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. Which of these digital citizenship topics have you discussed with your child? Share how frequently by ranking each topic below.
A few times a year
Appreciating that everyone has digital rights
Being an informed consumer
Being aware that companies profit from increasing the time users spend online
Being empathetic and kind online
Being safe with others online
Identifying the risks and potential consequences of content with explicit themes
Maintaining privacy from corporations (preventing data tracking, reading privacy policies)
Managing technology use (media balance)
Participating in online public forums including social media
Protecting personal and private information online
A few times a year
Responding to cyberbullying
Understanding algorithms and how they affect everyday experiences (e.g. search results)
Understanding how bias and unequal access to technology impact society
Understanding how technology features are designed to increase time spent online (e.g. nudges, notifications, autoplay)
Understanding laws that apply to digital tools (e.g. privacy, sharing graphic content, copyright)
Using digital communication tools with audience in mind
Using technology to learn new things
14.Which of these do you think is most important for your child to develop? Check the FIVE most important that apply.  
15.Do you agree or disagree with these statements?   
Not sure
I am very comfortable helping my child(ren) with schoolwork when it involves using online tools and resources.
I am very comfortable teaching my child(ren) good digital citizenship behaviors and strategies.
Technology is used effectively in my child’s class(es) to provide appropriate and valuable learning experiences for my child.
I think it would be beneficial for my child to have more online learning experiences to prepare them for future college or work experiences.
My child communicates more with their teacher(s) now because of technology use in school.
My child uses an appropriate level of technology in school.
I am satisfied with the digital citizenship training provided to my child at school.
16.Thinking about communication with your child’s teacher(s) specifically, which of the following are your top FIVE choices for those communications?  
17.What is the most effective way for your child’s school and/or division to communicate different types of information to you?  Check FIVE that apply.   
18.Imagine you are in charge of building a new school. Which of these learning tools or approaches would you include in that new school? Select the ones that you think will help students be the most successful with their learning.  
19.What is ONE THING schools can do to improve so that all students have better technology-related learning experiences?
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