
School Leader Speak Up 2023-24 Survey

1.What is your primary job assignment this year?
2.What type of school are you currently assigned to? (Check all that apply)
3.Which of the following describes your current top challenges- the ones most likely to "wake you up" in the middle of the night? (Check all that apply)
4.Thinking about the mission or vision of your school, what is the relative importance of the effective use of technology within learning in helping you achieve that mission or vision?
5.On average, what type of access do students in your school have to mobile devices this school year (e.g.; tablets, laptops, Chromebooks)?
PreK – Kindergarten
Grade 1 – 2
Grade 3- 5
Grade 6- 8
Grade 9-12
1:1 assigned devices – for in-school use only
1:1 assigned devices - for in-school use and take-home
1:1 personal devices – students primarily use their own devices in class
Not 1:1 – class centers with devices for student use
Not 1:1 – teachers can check out devices for classroom usage
Not 1:1 – devices in the media center or library for student usage
No regular student access to devices when students are in school
Not a grade level in my building
6.Why is the effective use of technology in school important to support current student learning? (Check all that apply)
7.What are the best ways to measure student engagement in learning with digital tools, content, and resources? Check all that apply.
8.Educators debate the impact of mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and Chromebooks on student learning. For each of the outcomes listed, please indicate what level of impact you think the inclusion of such mobile devices in the classroom has had on student outcomes.
Significant impact
A moderate impact
Little or no impact
Negative Impact
Ability for students to explore their ideas more fully
Ability for students to explore topics more fully
Addressing inequities in educational opportunities
Development of creativity skills
Development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Development of information and media literacy skills
Disciplinary problems
Preparation for college or workplace
Quality of student work
Student collaborations and peer-to-peer learning
Student engagement/motivation to learn
Student-initiated communication with a teacher
Teacher and student connection/relationship
Using time at home for extended learning on class assignments
Using time at home for self-directed learning
9.Which of these policies best represents your current school policy regarding students’ use of their personal devices on campus?
10.Thinking about students' use of their personal smartphones on campus, which of the following statements reflects your beliefs? (Check all that are true for you.)
11.To what level do you agree or disagree with the statement: Our school creates an environment where the ideas of students about how to improve school and their education are regularly solicited and we have a process for acting upon those ideas.
12.Imagine you are in charge of building a new school. Rate the following tools and approaches based on their potential to help students be the most successful with their learning.
Most helpful
Somewhat helpful
Less helpful
Not at all helpful
AI-powered adaptive learning platforms that personalize lessons for each student
Chromebook, laptop, or tablet for every student
Coding or computer programming resources
Collaboration tools to use in projects
Digital commerce space for students
Digital, vid​​eo, or online games
Fully online classes
Online animations, simulations, or virtual labs
Online databases for research projects
Online textbooks or curriculum
Online tutors
Online videos and movies
Project-based learning experiences that address real-world issues
Teachers assigned as mentors for every student
Tools to facilitate student-teacher communications
Tools to help students create media projects
Virtual reality experiences and hardware
Virtual voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa or Google
13.Please read each item below. If you think it is an important digital citizenship topic for students to learn about, please indicate who you think should have primary responsibility for talking about it with students.
Not Important to talk about
Not sure
How information is collected about you online
How to act towards other people online
How to be an upstander online/ cyberbullying prevention
How to create things using digital tools
How to evaluate information online/What is credible or accurate
How to keep your information private from companies online
How to self-regulate technology use/media balance
What to do if you receive a sext/ nude image /sexually explicit image or if you are asked for one
What to post online/How to manage your digital identity
14.Considering digital citizenship instruction in your school, where are your students learning the essential skills listed in the previous question?
Most often
Circle time, morning meeting, or social-emotional skills instructional time
During designated computer time, an elective, or a special
During library time
During regular instruction in a face-to-face class
During regular instruction in a virtual class
Special assembly or event
15.In your school, who is primarily responsible for providing direct instruction on digital citizenship and facilitating student discussions around decision-making when online?
16.Within your school or district which of these factors would influence a decision to provide or expand online courses or virtual education offerings for students?
17.Which initiatives or resources, acquired through pandemic funding, will be incorporated into your school's ongoing plans for the future?
18.Are any of the following concerns for you right now as an education leader? Please select the ones that apply to you.
19.Relative to school safety and security issues, what is your current level of concern about your school(s) specifically?
High concern
Moderate concern
Low concern
Not sure
Adequate student behavioral and mental health supports
Disconnect between cross-functional teams
Impact of trauma from the pandemic and/or economic uncertainty on our students
Mental health supports and the social and emotional well-being of staff
Online safety for students when they are using technology and the Internet at school
Physical safety and protections in place when students and staff are on school grounds
School shooting events in the past year elevating community concerns
20.What are the challenges you face in effectively communicating with or engaging parents in their child’s learning or school life?
21.On average, how would you rate your teachers’ skills today with these classroom activities and instructional tasks?
Very proficient
Somewhat proficient
Below basic
Not sure
Allowing student choice about the strategies and tools they use to demonstrate learning
Allowing student choice in identifying a problem or question to address a learning standard
Allowing students to set their own learning goals and plan for how they will learn
Facilitating online remote learning when necessary
Facilitating student collaborations using digital tools
Infusing computational thinking and computer science concepts across all core curriculum
Leveraging technology to differentiate instruction
Partnering with parents to engage with their children around learning goals with provided resources and strategies
Personalizing learning within their classrooms for each student
Supporting students' social and emotional well-being
Taking advantage of students' 1:1 access to a mobile device
Teaching positive digital citizenship behaviors and strategies to their students
Using data derived from online tools and apps to inform their instructional practices
Utilizing a learning management system
22.What challenges or barriers do you think hold your teachers back from using technology to design active learning experiences that address the variability of learners in their classroom?
23.As a building leader, what are you (and your administrative colleagues) doing to support teachers in their journey to use technology more effectively within their instructional practice? Check all that apply at your school.
24.What would be most beneficial to help you become a more effective digital instructional leader at your school?
25.The following are professional learning topics for teachers. Which of these represent your school's priorities for teacher professional learning this year?
26.Which of the following types of professional learning experiences have helped or would help you be a more effective leader for your teachers with technology integration? Please rank the following from 1 to 9 with 1 being the most helpful and 9 being the least helpful for you.
Doing classroom observations specifically to understand opportunities and challenges of technology use within instruction
Learning about new ideas for evaluating teachers’ use of technology within instruction
Getting 1:1 coaching from another education leader about key strategies to get staff buy-in for technology integration
Watching videos of education leaders coaching their teachers
Participating in district-based or regional professional learning communities for school and district leaders
Learning about how to implement competency or mastery-based instructional practices in your school
Talking with students about their ideas for using technology more effectively in class
Teaching a lesson yourself using current classroom technology tools and resources
Understanding the different technology integration frameworks in use in schools
27.The use of technology within the learning environment can potentially help a teacher address many different purposes or objectives. Thinking about how technology is being used in most of your classrooms, how often are you seeing technology used for these purposes?
To connect students to experts
To demonstrate scientific concepts that cannot be seen in the physical world
To differentiate instruction based on understanding students’ needs
To enable students to take online courses not offered at our school
To facilitate enhanced student-teacher communication
To help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
To help students develop fluency or competency within core subject areas
To help students develop technology skills they will need for work or college
To help students with literacy development
To increase student engagement in the learning process
To promote cultural awareness and sensitivity
To provide active learning experiences for students
To provide ways for students to demonstrate knowledge through content creation
To support class discussions
To support project-based learning
To support remediation or acceleration for certain students
To support research or information collection
To support student collaborations
To teach information and media literacy skills
28.Below is a list of ideas that educators have proposed to address why the digital usage divide persists. How would you rate these ideas in terms of being helpful for your teachers?
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Not helpful
Not sure
Ability for teachers to observe other teachers using technology effectively
Access to digital tools and resources that teachers can test drive within their instruction
Consistent use of a technology in learning framework to guide and inspire teachers
Curated collection of approved district resources to support technology us in the classroom
Distribution of a district vision statement about the role of technology within learning
Job-embedded professional learning for teachers
More investments in technology infrastructure including enhanced classroom connectivity and bandwidth
Redesign of the school master schedule to allow for longer class periods
School-based professional learning community dedicated to using technology to differentiate instruction
Shared planning time with colleagues at other schools
Shared planning time with colleagues at their school
29.What types of learning skills/experiences do you think pre-service teachers should acquire prior to earning a teaching credential or certificate? (Check all that apply) New teachers should know how to:
30.In the past year, which of these things have you done on your own (not district-directed or part of a formalized professional development class) to improve your teaching effectiveness? (Check all that apply)
31.The following questions are optional, but we hope that you will answer them to help us with a more robust analysis.Descriptive/Spacer Text Here
32.At the end of this school year, how many years of leadership/administrative experience will you have?
33.Race or Cultural Identity
34.Are you a member of any of these national education professional associations? (Check all that apply)
35.In the past year, which of these conferences/events have you attended (in person or virtually)? Check all that apply.
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