Terms Of Use

1. Be Respectful

Treat others as you wish to be treated.
This forum is a place for friendly and polite collaboration.
Rudeness, bullying, and profanity will not be tolerated.

2. Stay on Topic

In a discussion thread, comments should relate directly to the topic at hand.
If there is something different (or tangential) that you are inspired to discuss, please start a new topic or contact the community manager to suggest doing so.
Sharing of links is allowed when it is relevant to the conversation.

3. Be Active

The more that members participate, the more valuable the community is for everyone.
Ask questions, share advice, offer up ideas. Don’t hang out on the sidelines.
This forum will benefit from your voice. Everyone has something to offer. Plus, your participation will encourage others to share as well.

4. Consequences

Violating these guidelines will result in a warning and could ultimately lead to revoking certain privileges or dismissing an unruly party. We request members report inappropriate behavior to the community manager ([email protected]).

5. Agreement

By logging into the community and activating your profile, you are considered to be in agreement with the conditions listed above. You understand that these guidelines may be modified or extended at any point, at which time you will be informed and continue in agreement by remaining in the community

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Verified users get 10 reward points on usage post sign-up.