Acid Attack 1
Acid Attack 1
Exit Survey
Have you heard of an Acid Attack before?
Yes, I've read a lot about them and done a bit of research
Yes, very briefly
no, not at all
I'm not sure
About how many women do you think are affected by acid violence (a brutal attack using various forms of acid that burns or "melts" the skin of the victim so brutally it can cause life long lasting effects inside and outside of the body) in Pakistan a year?
50 and under
About how long do you think an acid offender spends in jail/prison?
3-10 years
They receive the death penalty
10+ years
What type of government help do you think would be the best type of aid for these victims?
Educate the country to help ensure women are aware of the potential and know how to treat the wounds if it happens and men do not commit such crimes any long
Regulate acid sales and distribution in some way.
Implement and enforce laws to ensure justice is brought for the victims.
In what ways do you think that acid attacks can harm a victim?
Physically, it can harm their physical health in serious ways.
Emotionally, the attack can leave emotional scars for the rest of their lives.
Socially, these attacks can play a huge role in the way that the women are perceived in their towns/villages.
Cosmetically, these attacks can alter the way the victim looks.
All of the above and more.
Where have these attacks happened in the past 5-10 years?
Pakistan and India only
Mainly just the Middle East
Everywhere, throughout the Americas, Canada, the U. K., middle east, etc.
Are acid attacks always against women?
The majority are women but no there are men that have been the victim.
No both genders are equally subjects to this violence.
How important do you think understanding and helping acid violence victims is?
Extremely important.
Not very important.