Exit Survey
We will be handing out superlatives to the undergraduate counselors at the end of the year party this year! Please vote for your favorites!

Who is the funniest undergrad counselor?
James Bero
Sarah Burns
Ben Carpenter
Vicky Fleisner
Michael Jones
Brad Meehan
Sarah Walsh
Who is the best dressed undergrad counselor?
James Bero
Sarah Burns
Ben Carpenter
Vicky Fleisner
Michael Jones
Brad Meehan
Sarah Walsh
Which counselor is most likely to get a family to enroll?
James Bero
Sarah Burns
Ben Carpenter
Vicky Fleisner
Brad Meehan
Michael Jones
Sarah Walsh
Which counselor has the best office decorations?
James Bero
Sarah Burns
Ben Carpenter
Vicky Fleisner
Michael Jones
Brad Meehan
Sarah Walsh
Which counselor has the best smile?
James Bero
Sarah Burns
Ben Carpenter
Vicky Fleisner
Michael Jones
Brad Meehan
Sarah Walsh
Please feel free to create your own! Include the counselor & their "award" for consideration.