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Agribusiness Market Information Site
Agribusiness Market Information Site
You have been selected to participate in our survey evaluating the
Agribusiness Market Information Site
. It will only take 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire and your responses will be used to gauge the success of and potentially improve the Agribusiness Market Information Site.
As an added incentive three lucky respondents will be selected at random to receive a delicious chocalatey reward.
Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Kira Goodall at 03 9658 4724 or by email at the email address specified below.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
Market Information
encompasses information on trade policy, market access issues, export and import analysis, market intelligence, competition and consumer, industry and market trends relevant to global markets for goods.
Low Importance
Medium Importance
High Importance
How important is market information to your organisation (eg. DPI/FSA)?
How important is market information to your role?
Why / why not?
On average how much time do you devote to scanning and reading market information each day?
Less than 10 minutes
Between 10 and 30 minutes
More than 30 minutes
Do you think you spend enough time scanning and reading market information?
Why / why not?
In the last fortnight have you: (Select all that apply to you)
Received any email newsletters related to market information.
Used an online search engine (for example Google) to look for market information on a specific subject.
Read industry journals/magazines.
Read newspapers for market information.
Searched for information in DPI Virtual library (or equivalent institutional internal library).
Accessed any aspect of the Agribusiness Market Information Site
The Agribusiness Market Information Site has the following aspects:
Weekly Highlights
email distributing links to key articles and reports on the site;
Monthly Hot Topics
with short articles providing commentry/analysis of current market and consumer issues;
The site as a database
of relevant articles sorted by country, industry and/or theme.
Rate how useful the different aspects of the Agribusiness Market Information Site are:
Not Useful At All
Not Very Useful
Very Useful
Weekly Highlights
Monthly Hot Topics
Site as a database of information
Why / why not?
How often do you open and read the weekly Highlights email?
Always open and read as soon as I receive it
Open and read later
Open and read only when I have time
Never open
How often do you open and read the monthly Hot Topics?
Always open and read as soon as I receive it
Open and read later
Open and read only when I have time
Never open
Do you ever search the Agribusiness Market Information Site for specific information?
Very Easy
Very Difficult
How easy is the Agribusiness Market Information Site to use?
Why / why not?
Any comments/suggestions?
For example suggestions for improvement, other uses for the site, comment on whether the information on the site is appropriate or whether other information would be more useful.
Please contact
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.