| * What is your specialty? | | |
| |
| * How many half-day sessions per week does your clinic operate? | | |
| * How many attendings are working in each session? | | |
| * On average, how many PGY1's are there in each session? | | |
| * On average, how many PGY2's are there in each session? | | |
| * On average, how many PGY3's are there in each session? | | |
| * On average, how many Fellows are there in each session? | | |
| * How many outpatient visits are there in a year in the faculty practice of your specialty? | | |
| * What are the locations of your faculty practice? | | |
| * Are residents regularly scheduled in your faculty practice? | | |
| * Is there adequate volume to support the resident headcount in your clinic? | | |
| * How many patients, on average, are the residents seeing during each housestaff year? | | |
| * Are the residents seeing the range of patients that they need to be seeing? | | |
| * How many residents, on average, are precepted by each attending? | | |
| * Is the number of exam rooms adequate for teaching? | | |
| * Is the ancillary space for precepting adequate? | | |
| * Do you have adequate access to consultation services? | | |
| * Do you have adequate access to ancillary services (both on and off-site)? | | |
| * How often do the residents have other obligations and are not able to come to the clinic? | | |
| * What are the anticipated clinical trends that will affect this clinic? | | |
| * How have the new work hour rules impacted this clinic? | | |
| * What are the anticipated changes with respect to RRC that might affect this clinic? | | |