Informed Consent
You have been invited to participate in a study examining pre-employment beliefs regarding your relationship with future employers. Your participation in this study involves answering survey questions in this online format.
It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete this survey. Any reports concerning this research will contain only data of an anonymous or statistical nature. Furthermore, only group-level data will be reported and your name will not be associated with your responses.
The principal investigator in this study is Lindsey M. Lee. Any questions you have regarding the research may be directed to Ms. Lee at (970) 420 – 0622 or by email at [email protected]. Information involving the conduct and review of research involving humans may be obtained from the Chairman of the Institutional Review Board of the Florida Institute of Technology, Dr. Lisa Steelman at (321) 674 – 8104.
Entering your first name and last name below indicates that you agree to participate in this research and:
1. You are 18 years of age or older. 2. You have read and understand the information provided above. 3. You understand that participation is voluntary and that refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled: and, 4. You understand that you are free to discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.
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On the scale provided, please indicate the extent to which you feel obligated to provide your future employer with each of the following obligations: |
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On the scale provided, please indicate the extent to which you feel that your future employer is obligated to provide you with the following employment inducements/incentives: |
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On the following pages, you will be presented with the same items from both scales that you just rated. However, the instructions will ask you to respond in a different way. Please read the instructions carefully and pay close attention to the response scale as it differs from the one used on the previous pages.
Thank you. |
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On the response scale provided, please indicate how desirable you believe the content of each of the following items to be: |
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On the response scale provided, please indicate how desirable you believe the content of each of the following items to be: |
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* Are you currently seeking employment? |
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* How recently have you applied for a job? |
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* Thinking about the most recent job you applied for, what hiring procedures did you participate in or complete? (select all that apply) |
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* Thinking about the most recent job you applied for, did you research the organization in advance? |
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* What research methods did you use to learn about the organization? |
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* Thinking about the most recent job you applied for, how long were you involved in the hiring process? |
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* Are you currently employed? |
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* How long have you been working for your current employer? |
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* How many years of working experience do you have? |
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* What industry have you predominantly worked in or do you currently work in? (select only one) |
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* How would you describe the level of job that you have primarily worked in? (select only one) |
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| * What college or university do you attend? | | |
* Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? |
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