Exit Survey
Thank you for participating in our community survey about Jewish Baltimore!

This survey will take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete. At the end of this survey, you will be invited to enter your name into a contest to win an IPAD mini. 

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in total.

Thank you for your time and support. Please start the survey now by clicking on the "Continue" button below.
* Which of the following groups describes your age?
17 or under
18 – 21
22 – 24
25 – 34
35 – 44
45 – 54
55 – 64
65 – 74
75 and over
* Are you, or is anyone in your household Jewish?
* How would you describe your household’s Jewish religious affiliation? Select one.
Modern Orthodox
Spiritual, but not religious
Culturally Jewish
Other, please specify
In the last year, have you donated money or volunteered your time to charitable organizations?
Yes No Don’t Remember
* Donated Money
* Volunteered Your Time
To what kind of nonprofit or charitable organizations, in the last year, have you donated money and/or volunteered your time?

Select all that apply. *
Arts or culture
Animal rescue
Domestic violence
Emergency relief
Local community
Organizations that support Israel
Political candidates
Religious/faith based
Social Service/justice
Other, please specify

* How important do you feel it is to give to a charity or organization that is affiliated with your local Baltimore Jewish community?
Not at all important
Not very important
Somewhat important
Very important
* Why did you say that it is ${piping_text} to give to a charity that is affiliated with your local Baltimore Jewish community?
On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being "a lot" and 1 being "not at all", how much do you feel that you are part of the Jewish Community? 
10 - A lot 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Not at all
* I am part of the Jewish Community
* How important is the future of Jewish Baltimore to you and your family?
Not at all important
Not very important
Somewhat important
Very important
* Please tell us, which of the following two areas are most important, if any, to you for an organization in Baltimore to address? Select up to 2 answers.  
Prevents Jewish homelessness
Aids our Jewish seniors through funding, housing, services, etc.
Prevents abuse and trauma
Helps the vulnerable in Baltimore who are not Jewish
Provides services to people with disabilities
Keeps our Jewish community safe and secure
Provides programs for Jewish youth at risk
Encourages volunteerism among the Jewish community
None of the above

* Please tell us, which of the following two areas are most important, if any, to you for an organization in Baltimore to address? Select up to 2 answers.
Supports synagogue life
Offers networking opportunities for Jewish professionals
Sustains and maintains strong Jewish neighborhoods
Inspires teen Jewish education through meaningful experiences and offers teen programs
Supports ongoing Jewish learning for adults
Inspires families with young children to learn about Jewish values, traditions and culture
Engages young adults in diverse and meaningful Jewish life
Supports Hillel programs at local universities & colleges
Promotes and supports Jewish day or overnight camps
None of the above

* Please tell us, which of the following two areas are most important, if any, to you for an organization in Baltimore to address? Select up to 2 answers.
Provides rescue and relief for Jews around the world
Has a partnership program with a city in Israel
Has a partnership program with a city in Ukraine
Provides free travel experiences to Israel for young adults
Counteracts anti-Israel perceptions and opinions with positive information about Israel
Supports the state of Israel
Combats anti-Semitism in Baltimore and around the world
None of the above

* Out of the three topics below, which would you say is most important, second most important and least important for a Jewish organization in Baltimore to address.  Drag and drop in order of importance from the left to the right. 
Drag your choices here to rank them
    * Please tell us how familiar you are, if at all, with The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore?

    Not at all familiar
    Somewhat familiar
    Very familiar
    * What is your opinion of The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore? Would you say…?
    Not at all favorable
    Not very favorable
    Somewhat favorable
    Very favorable
    * Please tell us what you know about The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore. Please be as specific as possible, think about how you would describe the organization to someone who doesn’t know anything about it.
    * Which of the following words, if any, would you use to describe The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore? Select all that apply.
    High Integrity
    Value Driven
    Old Fashioned
    None of the above

    * In the past year, have you or your family made a donation to The Associated?
    Can't recall
    * Why did you choose to donate to The Associated? Please be as specific as possible.
    * How much was your last donation to The Associated?
    Less than $100.00
    $100 – $365
    $366 – $999
    $1,000 – 3,599
    $3,600 – $9,999
    $10,000 or more
    I prefer not to answer
    * Why did you choose not to donate to The Associated? Please be as specific as possible.
    * What do you think of The Associated? Would you say The Associated is…? Select One. 

    Essential to the Baltimore Jewish community
    Serves a useful purpose in strengthening the Baltimore Jewish community
    Not very essential to Baltimore Jewish community
    Don’t know enough to say
    Below are several statements that others have made about the Associated, how much would you disagree or agree with each statement below?

    The Associated…
    Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree or agree Agree Strongly agree
    * Is an organization that engages me and is relevant to me
    * Supports, funds or partners with virtually every Jewish agency, program or organization in Baltimore
    * Supports and nurtures the Jewish community
    * Is an organization that is exclusive and only for “insiders”
    * Inspires the Jewish community
    * Is deeply rooted in Jewish values
    * Supports the state of Israel
    * Is an organization that only asks me for money
    * Is an organization for my grandparents rather than me
    * Is an organization that holds meaningful events
    * Is a world class organization
    * Brings the Jewish community together
    In the past have you?
    Yes No Unsure
    * Visited The Associated website (associated.org)
    * Followed The Associated on Twitter
    * Liked The Associated on Facebook
    * Connected with The Associated on LinkedIn
    * Attended an Associated event
    * Noticed The Associated in the news
    * Noticed The Associated in print advertising
    * Volunteered my time for The Associated or an agency/program of The Associated
    * Heard about The Associated & Super Sunday
    * Heard about The Associated & Giving Tuesday
    * Received email(s) from The Associated
    * Sat on or chaired a committee or task force at The Associated or an agency of The Associated
    * Traveled overseas with The Associated
    What areas do you think The Associated should be focusing on in the future?
    * Organizations use emails to communicate news and events; how often do you think a charity or non-profit organization should communicate with you?
    Once a day
    A couple times a week
    Once a week
    Once every other week
    Once a month
    Less often than once a month
    * How do you typically get your news and/or learn about products, organizations or charities? Select all that apply.

    Online media websites (like Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Mashable, Reddit, etc.)
    Word of mouth from family, friends or peers
    Social Media (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
    Other, please specify

    * Thinking about all the publications that you are currently reading (local and national), would you say that you rely more on print publications, digital publications or both equally for your news and information?
    More on print
    More on digital
    Equally for both
    * Do you read local or national Jewish publications in print or online?

    * Which of the following, if any, local publications in print or digitally do you regularly read?

    Select all that apply.
    The Advertiser
    Baltimore Business Journal
    Baltimore’s Child
    Baltimore Fishbowl
    Baltimore Sun
    Baltimore Magazine
    Baltimore Jewish Life
    Baltimore Jewish Home
    City Paper
    Daily Record
    Jewish Times
    Style Magazine
    Where What When
    The Beacon
    None of the above

    * Which of the following, if any, social media networks do you use on a regular basis? Select all that apply.
    None of the above
    Other, please specify

    * Finally a few demographic questions for classification purposes.

    Are you?

    * In what neighborhood do you live?

    Pikesville, Park Heights, Cheswolde, or Mt Washington
    Owings Mills or Reisterstown
    Towson, Lutherville, Timonium or I-83 Corridor
    Federal Hill, Fells Point, Canton, Hampden or other city neighborhood
    Guilford or Roland Park
    Randallstown or Liberty Road
    Carroll County neighborhood
    Other Baltimore County neighborhood
    * Are you…?
    Originally from Baltimore
    Relocated to Baltimore within the past 5 years
    Relocated to Baltimore, lived in Baltimore for more than 5 years
    Do you belong to...?
    Yes No
    * A synagogue
    * The JCC (Jewish Community Center)
    * What is your Marital Status?
    Single/never married
    Living with partner
    Decline to answer
    * How many children under the age of 18 are living in your home?

    * Which of the following groups describes your combined household income before taxes?
    Under $20,000
    $20,000 - $39,999
    $40,000 - $59,999
    $60,000 - $79,999
    $80,000 - $99,999
    $100,000 - $149,999
    $149,000 - $199,999
    $200,000 - $249,999
    Over $250,000
    Decline to answer
    * What is your highest level of education?
    Some high school
    High School Graduate
    Some College
    College Graduate (BA, BS, etc.)
    Post Graduate (MBA, JD, etc.)
    * Are you..?
    Employed full-time
    Employed part-time
    Unemployed & looking for work
    Unemployed & NOT looking for work
    Decline to Answer
    * Thank you for your valuable time and feedback. This almost completes our survey.

    Would you like to be entered into a random sweepstake drawing to win an IPad Mini.
    Yes [Please note the next screen will ask you for your contact information]
    Please fill in your contact information in order to be entered into the contest.
    * First Name : 
    * Last Name : 
    * Address 1 : 
       Address 2 : 
    * City : 
    * State : 
    * Zip : 
    * Phone : 
    * Email Address :