1. The amount of work I am expected to do on my job is reasonable. |
| |
2. I am satisfied with the priorities and direction of my department. |
| |
3. I have adequate information available which enables me to do my job well. |
| |
4. We operate in a cost-efficient way in my department. |
| |
5. I understand the day-to-day goals of my department. |
| |
6. Diverse perspectives are valued and encouraged within the department. |
| |
7. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job? |
| |
8. My opinions are valued.
| |
I receive useful and constructive feedback from my manager.
| |
10. EMS policies and procedures make sense to me.
| |
I am given adequate feedback about my performance. |
| |
There is a strong feeling of teamwork and cooperation in this organization. |
| |
13. The physical working conditions(e.g., ventilation, space, cleanliness) are very good. |
| |
Doing my job well gives me a sense of personal satisfaction. |
| |
I have adequate opportunities for professional growth in this organization.
| |
I receive the training I need to do my job well.
| |
My manager is actively interested in my professional development and advancement.
| |
I am able to satisfy both my job and family responsibilities. |
| |
The organization's policies for promotion and advancement are always fair. |
| |
Favoritism (special treatment) is not an issue in raises or promotions. |
| |
I respect the senior leaders of this organization. |
| |
I am very satisfied with my manager. |
| |
This organization respects its employees. |
| |
My ideas and opinions count at work. |
| |
I would proudly recommend this organization as a good place to work to a friend or relative. |
| |
I am paid fairly for the work I do. |
| |
My immediate supervisor is friendly and helpful. |
| |
Senior management frequently visit my department. |
| |
29. I am happy with my equipment. |
| |
I feel the Overtime policy is fair. |
| |
31. Individual differences are respected here(e.g., gender, race, educational background, etc.)
| |
| Suggestions for Improvement? | | | | Favorite thing about employment with BEMS? | | | | Least favorite thing about employment with BEMS? | | | | Comments? | | |