Biosecurity Victoria
Internal Communication Survey #1
This short survey captures your level of satisfaction and your needs for internal communication within BV, including communication from the Executive Director to the Division and between Branches within the Division. It does not include communication coming from DPI corporate areas. The survey has 24 questions and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Communication in this survey means the distribution or sharing of information through any number of methods and is not exclusive to being ‘top down’ or ‘bottom up’.
The survey is in three parts- the way you use internal communication in your work, the level of satisfaction you have with current internal communication and some details about you that will contextualize the data that is collected through the survey.
Questions can be responded to using the responses provided, tick boxes, true/false or a free text box. Please choose the response that best fits your view of the topic covered in the question. You may also use the free text boxes to explain your response. The bar at the top of each page shows how far you have progressed in the survey.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. All information collected through the survey will be treated confidentially as some responses may potentially identify the respondent. You should only provide your name and contact details if you are interested in participating in a focus group.
Once the data from the survey has been analysed, the Strategy, Innovation and Design Branch will convene a series of BV staff focus groups to discuss ideas for improving BV’s internal communication.
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1. The sources of information that I use in my work include (tick all relevant boxes): |
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| If you selected BV publications, please specify here: | | |
| If you selected DPI publications, please specify here: | | |
| If you selected Reports, please specify here: | | |
2. I rely on internal communication to help me do my job. |
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3. Generally speaking, the information I rely on to do my job is easy to access. |
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4. If I need information to do my job, it should be provided to me. |
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5. If I need information to do my job and it has not been provided to me, it is my responsibility to find it. |
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6. I use the following information to do my job (tick all relevant boxes): |
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7. Of the BV items listed below, which do you believe are very important to communicate to BV staff? (tick all relevant boxes) |
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| Communication 8. How would you NOT like to receive information that you need to do your job? | | |
| Communication9. Additional comments including ideas for improvement, areas of information that you want to know more about or other specific issues. | | |
How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV?
10. Generally speaking, how do you rate your satisfaction with internal communications? |
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How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV?
11. Which statement best describes internal communication from the Executive Director? |
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How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV?
12. Which statement best describes internal communication from your Branch Director? |
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How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV?
13. Which statement best describes internal communication from Branch Directors other than your own Branch Director? |
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How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV? 14. Which statement best describes internal communication from your immediate supervisor (Do not answer if your supervisor is a Branch Director or the Executive Director)? |
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How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV? 15. Which statement best describes internal communication from your BV workmates? |
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How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV? 16. Generally speaking, how would you rate your current knowledge of BV's strategic direction? |
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How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV? 17. Generally speaking, how would you rate your current knowledge of BV's policies and procedures? |
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How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV? 18. Generally speaking, how would you rate your current knowledge of BV's achievements? |
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How satisfied are you with internal communication within BV? 19. Generally speaking, how would you rate your current knowledge of issues facing the Division? |
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About you
20. I have been employed by Biosecurity Victoria (BV) (or its predecessors) for: |
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21. I have been employed by DPI (or its predecessors) for: |
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About you
22. My VPS level or Science rating is: |
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24. Which branch do you work for? |
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About you 25. Would you like to participate in a ½ day focus group discussion? |
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| 26. Additional comments on internal communication matters not covered in this survey including DPI corporate level communication: | | |
Thankyou Thankyou for your participation in this survey.
SID Branch will provide a report of the aggregated data to the BV Directorate for wider distribution. If you have volunteered to be in a focus group, you will be contacted within 3 weeks of the end of this survey.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact:
Ellen Kittson Manager Biosecurity Strategy Ph:(03) 9658 4731 or at ek17 |
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