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So, tell me a little about how you came to work with Bright Side? What event triggered the relationship

Were you looking at other providers?
Yes No
Which other provider were you considering in addition to Bright Side?
Why did you choose Bright Side? Specifically what was it about them that made them the obvious choice for your organization or project?
What is the most effective program that you do or have done with Bright Side?
When you think about that program -- what were some of the more specific benefits that you or your team walked away with?
What's important to you when you're choosing a person or organization to develop your people? or Complete this sencece -- I won't work with a company unless they...
We've picked a few things we thought might be important to you when you're choosing a company to develop your people

Take a look at each of the following attributes; rate each attribute on how important it is to you. 5 means it's extremely important and 1 means it's not at all important. IF it doesn't apply, just give it an NA.
Not Important Extremely Important
Delivers proof of quantifiable results and/or tangible business application
Has an ongoing process that produces sustainable behavior change
Has the ability to service me globally
Provides accreditation or continuing education credits
Is flexible, responsive and able to customize to my needs
Offers products that reinforce the learning in our organization
Has brand name recognition
Any other comments?
Now, I'd like for you to think specifically about Bright Side and how well they do each of these things.

If their performance is exceptional, give them a 5 and if it is poor, give them a 1.
Not Important Extremely Important
Delivers proof of quantifiable results and/or tangible business application
Has the ability to service me globally
Is flexible, responsive and able to customize to my needs
Has brand name recognition
Provides accreditation or continuing education credits
Has an ongoing process that produces sustainable behavior change
Offers products that reinforce the learning in our organization
Any other comments?

How likely are you to refer Bright Side to a colleague or a friend?
Likely Unlikely
If you were to refer Bright Side -- what would you say?

Can we use your comments in a testimonial with your permission?
Yes No
What is one thing Bright Side can do to improve your experience with them?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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