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Bujutsukai Juniors Martial Arts Programs for Stude


BUJUTSUKAI JUNIORS is a martial arts program designed especially for kids. BUJUTSUKAI JUNIORS was developed by Bujutsukai Australia as an easy and fun program that provides the fundamentals of martial arts techniques, discipline and etiquette.

Bujutsukai preserves the original techniques of the Japanese Samurai unchanged since feudal Japan. Unarmed and weapon techniques are all taught on a common set of movement principles. The art has not been altered for sporting competition.

The teachings of Bujutsukai incorporate not only the physical but expose students to Japanese culture and language. Students develop self confidence, self esteem and overall preparation to effectively deal with challenging situations.


Is the school co-ed?
Yes No

Which year groups are covered?
K - 3
K - 6
3 - 6
7 - 12


Does the school have sporting facilities such as a hall or gymnasium?
Yes No

Does the school currently offer after school activities?
Yes No
If yes, what is the average participation cost per student per term for specialised activities?

Does the school have allocated lessons or an afternoon for sporting activities?
Yes No
If yes, what is the average participation cost per student per term for specialised sports?

Does the school currently outsource instructors for particular sports?
Yes No

How important is the credibility of the instructor?
Very important Important Not so important Unimportant

How important is the cost of the classes?
Very important Important Not so important Unimportant

How important is the instructors experience with children?
Very important Important Not so important Unimportant

To your knowledge has a martial arts program ever been taught at the school before?
Yes No Unsure

If yes, in what capacity?
After school activity
Short course (eg. 6 weeks)
extra curricular

Is the class currently operating?
Yes No

Do you think the school would be interested in the above activity / sports program?
Likely Unsure Unlikely
What is the main reason you consider this program suitable / unsuitable for the school?
Are you familiar with the following Japanese terms?
Please list any comments or suggestions.
Thank you, your time is appreciated
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