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Our records indicate that you recently transferred out of the Electrical Engineering Program. We are always saddened when a student leaves our program but hopeful that your new major is a better fit with your gifts and talents and that you have a wonderful career.
In an effort to continually improve the Electrical Engineering Program, we would ask that you take a few moments to complete this survey. Your opinions are very important to us and we appreciate any assistance you may provide to make our Department of Electrical Engineering the best in the State of Arkansas. Also, please feel free to call, come by, or email me if there is information you would like to share.
Dr. Pat Buford
Associate Dean of Engineering
Corley Hall 111
(479) 968-0338
[email protected]
Name (optional):
Number of semesters as an EE major:
Please check the option of the EE program in which you were enrolled:
Computer Option
Traditional Electrical Engineering Option
Please select the courses that you were enrolled in or completed:
MATH 2914 Calculus I
MATH 2924 Calculus II
MATH 2934 Calculus III
MATH 3243 Differential Equations
MATH 3153 Applied Statistics
MATH 2703 Discrete Mathematics
PHYS 2114 General Physics I
PHYS 2124 General Physics II
CHEM 2124 General Chemistry I
COMS 2803 Programming in C
COMS 2104 Foundations of Computer Programming I
COMS 2203 Foundations of Computer Programming II
COMS 2903 Discrete Structures for Technical Majors
COMS 2223 Computer Organization and Programming
COMS 2213 Data Structures
COMS 3703 Operating Systems
ELEG/MCEG 1012 Introduction to Engineering
ELEG 2103 Electric Circuits I
ELEG 2134 Digital Logic Design
ELEG 2111 Electric Circuits Laboratory
ELEG 2113 Electric Circuits II
ELEG 2130 Digital Logic Design Lab
ELEG 2134 Digital Logic Design
ELEG/MCEG 3003 Engineering Modeling and Design
ELEG 3103 Electronics I
ELEG 3123 Signals and Systems
ELEG 3133 Microprocessor Systems Design
ELEG 3143 Electromagnetics
ELEG 3153 Electrical Machines
ELEG 3163 Electric Power Systems
ELEG/MATH 3173 Math Methods for Engineers
ELEG 4103 Electronics II
ELEG 4113 Digital Signal Processing
ELEG 4122 Electrical Systems Lab
ELEG 4133 Advanced Digital Design
ELEG 4143 Communications Systems I
ELEG 4153 Communication Systems II
ELEG 4193 Electrical Design Project
ELEG/MCEG 4202 Engineering Design
ELEG 4303 Control Systems
ELEG 4313 Modern Control Systems
ELEG 495X Undergraduate Research in Electrical Engineering
ELEG 499X Special Problems in Engineering
MCEG 2013 Statics
MCEG 2023 Engineering Materials
MCEG 2033Dynamics
Please select all that apply:
The reason I left EE is:
Too Difficult
Not what I expected
Did not fit in with other students
Math Courses
Chemistry Course
Physics Courses
ME Courses
Computer Science Courses
EE Courses
EE Faculty
Please use the following space to explain your selections above or provide any other comments you feel would be helpful to the EE Dept.