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We are a group of students with from the University of Missouri. We have been working with Mr. Wood at the Missouri Network in regards to the effectiveness of communication between local Child Advocacy centers and the newly formed Network.

Because your name will not be associated with any of the data collected, we would appreciate your honest answers in regards to this survey. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey. Your response will help determine how to improve communication of Missouri’s Child Advocacy Centers and the organization as a whole. If at anytime you feel, uncomfortable with any of the questions on the survey you can refuse to answer that question or withdraw your participation.

Our group will be writing a report and consulting Mr. Wood and the Missouri Network when all surveys have been completed. All participants will receive a copy of our findings and should feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns about the process.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.


Everyday A few times a week Once a week Monthly Never
How often do you communicate with the Missouri Network?

Always Often Seldom Rarely Never
How often is email used as a form of communication used between the Missouri Network and your Child Advocacy Center?

Always Often Seldom Rarely Never
How often are phone conversations used as a form of communication between the Missouri Network and your Child Advocacy Center?

Always Often Seldom Rarely Never
How often is face to face interaction used as a medium for communication between your Child Advocacy Center and the Missouri Network?

Always Often Seldom Rarely Never
How often are memos used as a tool of communication between your Child Advocacy Center and the Missouri Network?

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with the use of emails as a form of communication?
How satisfied are you with the use of memos as a means of communication?
How satisfied are you with the use of face to face interaction as a tool of communication?
How satisfied are you with the use of phone conversation as a means of communication?

Which form of communication do you prefer? Rank in order of most preferred.
Face to Face interaction
Phone calls

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with the current communication situation between your Child Advocacy Center and the Missouri Network?

Always Often Seldom Rarely Never
How often are there delays in communication between your location and the Missouri Network?

Always Often Seldom Rarely Never
How often are second hand messages relayed to your organization from the Missouri Network?

Always Often Seldom Rarely Never
How often do miscommunications occur due to second hand messages?

Definitely Possibly Maybe Not Likely Not at all
Do you think tools like a statewide website, list-serve, publication, or internet meetings would help facilitate communication ?
In what way do you think communication could be improved between the Missouri Network and the State Child Advocacy Centers?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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