SECTION I: Demographic Coaching Questionnaire. Choose the answer that best applies to you.
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Do you coach a Men's or Women's Basketball Program? |
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How many years have you been a head basketball coach? |
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What is your winning percentage as head basketball coach? |
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How many years have you been head basketball coach at this institution? |
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What is your winning percentage as a head basketball coach at this institution? |
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What was your winning percentage as a head basketball coach last year (if applicable)? |
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The final question of this section requires you to rate yourself on a five-point Likert-scale. The terms and percents used are: Always (100%), Often (75%), Occasionally (50%), Seldom (25%), or Never (0%) in terms of the coaching behaviors listed below.
SECTION II: Leadership Scale for Sport Survey. The Final Section is a modification of the Leadership Scale for Sport (LSS). It is broken into a five-point Likert-scale using the following terms and percents: Always (100%), Often (75%), Occasionally (50%), Seldom (25%), or Never (0%). Leadership Scale for Sport Modified from: Chelladurai, P., & Saleh, S.D. (1980). Dimensions of leader behavior in sports: development of a leadership scale. Journal of Sport Psychology, 2, 34-45.