As the president of [ORGANIZATION], I want to thank you for giving us the ability to serve you. To help us improve our service, please take a couple of minutes to tell us about the service that you have received so far. We appreciate your membership and want to make sure that we meet all your expectations.
Sincerely, [PRESIDENT_NAME] President |
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Overall, how satisfied are you with communications in your company? |
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Which best describes your impression of communications within your company? |
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How do you feel about the information you receive? |
| |
How well do you feel you know the company? |
| |
Compared with a year ago, how would you rate your knowledge of the company, its strategies, and its ongoing accomplishments? |
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| What is the best thing about communications in the company? | | |
For which information items do you believe it is very important that you receive communications about: |
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| What other topics do you feel are important for you to know more about and would like the company to include in future communications? | | |
How much of a typical company newsletter do you read? |
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What is your overall evaluation of the newsletter? |
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From which of the following sources do you now receive most of your information about what is going on in the company? Rank your top three information sources only. |
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The grapevine |
| | Bulletin board |
| | My supervisor |
| | Company leadership |
| | Group meetings at our work location |
| | Local company publications |
| | Company intranet |
| | Company e-mail |
| | Voice-mail announcements |
| |
From which of the following sources would you prefer to receive most of your information about what is going on in the company? |
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| Do you have any suggestions for the company to help improve performance and efficiency? | | |
The company clearly communicates its goals and strategies to me?
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I receive enough opportunity to interact with other employees on a formal level.
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How would you rate your manager in each of the following areas? Please assign a rating on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 represents "Poor" and 5 represents "Excellent".
Thank you for your feedback. We sincerely appreciate your honest opinion and will take your input into consideration while providing products and services in the future.
If you have any comments or concerns about this survey please Contact: -
Address 1
Address 2
City, State, ZipCode
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