
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this Ingredient Tops Plus evaluation. Your comments will enable us to better plan and execute future table top exhibition and innovation events and tailor them to meet your needs.


Ann Boyrazian

Vice President Sales & Marketing

How did you hear or learn about the Ingredient Tops Plus event?
Sales Call

Please specify the main reason for attending the event:
Content / Prototyes
Personal growth & development

Did the conference fulfill your reason for attending?
Yes -- Absolutely
Yes -- But not to my full extent
Not as much expected
What was the most beneficial aspect of the Ingredient Tops Plus event?

How Often would you like your company to host the Ingredient Tops Plus Exhibition and Innovation Fair?
Once a year
Twice a year
3 times a year

Please indicate your overall satisfaction with this Ingredient Tops Plus event
Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Dissatisfied
Your overall impression of the event?
Did you feel visiting the exhibitors was time well spent?
Did the prototype(s) show the functionality of the ingredients?
Did you see anything new and/or interesting?

How many external trade shows/ trade exhibitions do you attend, on average, in a year?
What kind of Product Vendors would you like to see in the future?
What other topics or themes are of interest to you for a Ingredient Tops Plus event?
Email Address
Additional Comments

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this evaluation.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.