Are you aware of this brand: Sams Club
Are you aware of these brands: Costco
Is Costco or Sams Club your primary shopping place ? If not, where do you shop usually for your daily needs ?
* You are (were) a member of which of the following membership warehouse store(s)(select one)
On average, how many times per month do you shop at Sam's Club?
On average, how many times per month do you shop at Costco?
When you shop at a membership warehouse store (Costsco and/or Sam's Club), you purchase the following: (check all that appply)
Fresh Produce (i.e. fruit and vegetables)
Household Supplies and Cleaning Products
Alcoholic Drinks (e.g. Beer, Wine, Liquor)
Non-Alcoholic Drinks (e.g. Soft drinks, Juices, Bottled Water)
Electronics (e.g. TVs, Computers, DVD Movies, Electonic Accessories)
Furniture (e.g. Tables, Desks, Chairs, Mattresses)
Sporting goods (e.g. Bicycles, Swimming gear)
Automotive Products (e.g. Tires, Batteries)
Small Appliances (e.g. blenders, juicers, microwaves, irons)
Large Appliances (e.g. refrigeraors, laundry washers and dryers)
Over the counter drugs and/or Pharmacy
Tobacco Products (e.g. cigarettes)
8. Rate how important the following attributes are to you when choosing a membership warehouse.
9. Rate how Sam's Club delivers the following attributes to you.
10. Rate how Costco delivers the following attributes to you.
12. Please tell us a little about yourself:
The number of people in your household that you shop for:
You use your warehouse club membership for
Related to shopping, How would you describe yourself on a "attitudinal" basis? I am..
What emotionional needs do you expect to satisfy when/after you go to shopping.
When shopping,which motivation are you primarily trying to fulfill?
If you are a Costco customer currently, would you consider switching to Sams Club ?
If you are currently a Sams Club customer, would you consider switching to Costco ?
If you answered yes to any of last 2 questions, briefly mention why ?