Thank you for taking the time to complete our Survey. We would like to get all of the staff as involved as possible so that we can build an intrant that will provide you with all of the things you would like to see, and present it to the users in a way that is best suited for you. The survey will take about 5 minutes. We will use the responses from this survey to improve the functionality of the City's intranet site(the VIBE). In addition, detailed comments and suggestions on how we can improve the site can be forwarded any time to Deyra Bladon or Jacqueline Cosgrove. |
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* Do you use the intranet? |
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Tell us how often you use the intranet.
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* What department are you in? |
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If you answered no to the first question, please tell us why dont you use the intranet? Please check all that apply. |
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If you don't like using the intranet, why? |
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How much time do you spend on the intranet every week |
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If it was available, what of the following would you use the intranet for?(check all that apply) |
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What kinds of applications or services would you like to see online on the intranet? (check all that apply) |
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* Do you generally find the information you want on the intranet |
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| If you answered no to the above question, what were you looking for? | | |
What additional information would you like to receive on the intranet? (check all that apply) |
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What would you change about the intranet if you could ? |
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* When the CMS(Content Management System) is deployed for all City of Vaughan staff - did you know that you will be able to post content to the site yourself just by using your web browser? |
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Would you say our Intranet is: |
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How much effort did your search require before you found what you were looking for? (Did it take a long time? Did you have to try several times?)
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From your experience, what do you find to be the biggest challenge with using our site?
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* Would you like to be involved in a user group to help re-design the intranet? |
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| Please include your name and extension if you would like us to contact you for this user group. | | |