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You are invited to participate in Business Objects survey to determine the level of satisfaction you are receiving. This survey will consist of questions that deal with the interaction with your sales representative, the order and delivery process and finally the service received after a sale was completed. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Michelle Colasimone by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.


1) When was the last contact you had with your sales representative from Business Objects? Please select only one.
Under 1 month
1 - 2 months
3 - 4 months
5 - 6 months
Over 6 months

2) How was contact made with your sales representative? Please select all that apply.
I phoned my sales representative
I emailed my sales representative
I accessed support on Business Objects website
My sales representative phoned me
My sales representative emailed me
I have no recall, contact was too long ago


3) In evaluating your most recent experience with your sales representative at Business Objects what was the quality of service you received? Please select only one.
Very Poor
Somewhat satisfactory
Very Satisfactory

4) During the last contact you had with your sales representative, did you experience a problem (or problems), critical or not? Please select only one.

5) Did you bring the problem(s) to the attention of your sales representative? Please select only one.

6) What was the source of the problem(s)? Please select all that apply.
Delay in order processing
Order was put on backorder
Received the wrong product
Product was damaged
Invoice did not match quote


7) In your opinion, how quickly did your sales representative handle the problem(s)? Please select only one.
Very slowly
Very Quickly
No response

8) Overall, how satisfied were you with the way your sales representative handled the problem(s)? Please select only one.
Not very satisfied
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
No response

9) During your last contact with your sales representative at Business Objects did they demonstrate the following service? Please select all that apply.
Appear friendly and easy to talk with
Appear knowledgeable and confident
Understood clearly the cause of a problem
Articulated a clear solution to a problem
Handled issues with professionalism


10) During your last contact would you agree that your sales representative handled the call efficiently? Please select only one.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree

11) Which of the following qualities were demonstrated by your sales representative and stood out during your last conversation? Please select all that apply.
Listened carefully


12) How would you best describe your last experience with your sales representative? Please select all that apply.
Gave me all information that I requested
Had to explain my situation several times
Understood the question I was asking
Didn’t know how to handle my problem
Gave clear answers
Transferred me to a person that could answer my questions
Couldn’t answer my questions
No improvement is needed


13) When you issue a purchase order, is there a confirmation email sent to reinforce the acceptance of the purchase order agreement and terms as well as delivery instructions to when you would anticipate receiving your goods? Please select only one.
Yes, every order I receive a confirmation email
I have not always received a confirmation email
I have never received a confirmation email and would like that to start happening
I have never received a confirmation email and do not require them in the future

14) How many days did your last order take to get to your location starting from the time you sent your purchase order, to the time you received the order? Please select only one.
Next day
2 – 3 days
4 – 5 days
6 – 7 days
8 - 13 days
Over 14 days

15) When the invoice for your order is received does the information on the invoice match the quote? Please select only one.
No, there are always discrepancies on the invoice
No, there are sometimes discrepancies on the invoice
Yes, my invoice always matches my quote
I don’t ever see the invoice

16) Would you agree that the product you received was the right product for your organization? Please select only one.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree

17) When you received your product was there technical support registration information included in the package? Please select only one.
Yes, I received the registration information in the package
No, I did not receive information in the package
The information was thrown out by a colleague
I had to contact my sales representative to get the registration information
I had to contact technical support to get the registration information

18) When registering for technical support, would you agree that the process was easy to follow? Please select only one.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree

19) When you contacted technical support, would you agree that all problems were resolved to your complete satisfaction? Please select only one.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree

20) Are you likely to purchase from Business Objects in the future?

21) When will this purchase with Business Objects take place? Please select only one.
Within the next month
1 - 3 months
4 - 6 months
7 - 9 months
10 - 12 months
Greater than one year

22) Please indicate how likely you are to recommend Business Objects to your colleagues/business partners? Please select only one.
Not very likely
Not likely
Very Likely
23) In the text box below, please provide any suggestions to help us improve the value of our relationship.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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