District Manager Recruitment Survey (May 2018)
District Manager Recruitment Survey (May 2018)
Exit Survey
You are invited to participate in the District Manager Recruitment survey. It will take approximately10 minutes to complete. If you have any questions on the survey, or information being collected, please reach out to Caitlin Brady at
[email protected]
. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
Below you will find a list of statements. Please rate how much you personally agree or disagree with these statements.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
My 2015-2016 DM recruitment year was successful.
My 2015-2016 Intern recruitment year was successful.
Students seemed excited to work for ALDI.
Several candidates declined the offer to be a DMT.
Students seemed appropriately informed about opportunities at ALDI.
There were multiple resources for you to use when communicating the opportunities at ALDI. Please rate how helpful the resources were for you.
Extremely Helpful
Very Helpful
Somewhat Helpful
Slightly Helpful
Not at all Helpful
Did not Use
Pre-night PowerPoint Presentations
Print Ads (newspapers)
ALDI DM Careers Website (
Web Banners on University Web Pages
Email Blast Template
Sizzle Reel video, Ben Bailey video and Corporate Responsibility videos
DM Brochures
DM Ambassador Cards
Giveaways (Tumbler, Drawstring Bag, Notebook)
The ALDI Recruitment Guide outlines multiple campus involvement opportunities to assist with recruitment. Please rate how helpful these opportunities were for you.
Extremely Helpful
Very Helpful
Somewhat Helpful
Slightly Helpful
Not at all Helpful
Did not Use
Career Fairs
Pre-Night Dinner Presentations
Campus Postering
Targeted emails
Semi-Annual Newsletters
Connecting with campus clubs and professional fraternities
Career Services Center
Campus Newspaper Advertising
Guest Lecturers
What recruiting resources do you wish you had?
What was the most successful campus involvement recruitment opportunity and why?
What factors caused candidates to decline the DM job offer?
Do you have recommendations to improve the pre-night dinner process and/or presentation? If so, please share.
What did you find most difficult about recruiting District Managers?
For which companies do you think DM candidates most frequently declined ALDI offers?