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What is your gender
What is your age?
Under 18
Over 30
How many times in the past month have you shopped at local malls such as The Greene, The Dayton Mall, or the Mall at Fairfield Commons?
under 5
over 20
Rank the following shopping locations in preference. (1 being the most preferred, 3 being the least)
The Mall at Fairfield Commons
The Greene
The Dayton Mall
Distribute 100 points amoungst the following qualities that you look for when deciding where to shop.
Proximity to home
Stores located within the mall
Reputation of the mall
Atmosphere of the mall
Surrounding establishments
Please select the stores that you visit the most within the mall of your choice from the following list.
American Eagle
Victoria Secrets
The Buckle
Old Navy

How satisfied are you with the following:
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
The Mall at Fairfield Commons
The Greene
The Dayton Mall
Surrounding areas located near your mall of choice:
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Maintain a professional atmosphere
Has professional, friendly staff
Conduct business in a timely fashion
Has reasonable, competative prices
Has parking close to desired stores
The food courts and/or resturants in your mall of choice:
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Has a professional atmosphere
Has professional, friendly staff
Conducts business in a timely fashion
Has resonable, competative prices
Has parking close to your resturant of choice
Are there any other aspects of shopping to be considered when making a mall location decision?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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