DSU BI242 Survey on West Vancouver Streams
DSU BI242 Survey on West Vancouver Streams
DSU BI-242 Survey on West Vancouver Streams Part I of II
Exit Survey
As a member or associate of West Vancouver Streamkeepers, you are being invited to participate in a survey being conducted as part of a research project for the BI-242 Environmental Science course at DeSales University, Pennsylvania, undertaken by undergraduate student Joseph McDaniel (West Vancouver Secondary School Class of 2011, DeSales University Class of 2014) under the guidance of Dr. Joseph Colosi, Associate Professor of Natural Science.
The parameters for the assignment include that a survey be conducted of interested parties as part of a project of inquiry into an environmental issue or project occurring in the hometown of each student enrolled in BI-242. The goal of this particular project is to evaluate the efficacy of restoration efforts which have been conducted thus far on McDonald and Lawson Creeks. This project will be considered as a case study for general comparison with restoration efforts on other West Vancouver streams.
In this two-part survey, respondents will be asked to complete a total of 17 multiple choice questions concerning the overall health of West Vancouver streams considered in general.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may withdraw from the survey at any point.
Your survey responses will be anonymous and strictly confidential. Data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Joseph McDaniel by email at
[email protected]
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
I have read and understood the terms of the survey
Are you a current resident of West Vancouver?
a) Yes
b) No
If a resident of West Vancouver, in what watershed is your residence located? If unsure or if yours is not listed, please select the nearest major creek to your residence.
a) Brothers Creek / Hadden Creek
b) Lawson Creek / McDonald Creek
c) Rodgers Creek
d) Cypress Creek
e) Eagle Creek / Wood Creek / Nelson Creek
f) Larson Creek
g) unsure / no longer a resident
In your opinion, what is the overall health of West Vancouver streams?
a) excellent
b) very good
c) good
d) fair
e) poor
f) unsure
In your opinion, what is the overall health of the population of salmon in West Vancouver streams?
a) excellent
b) very good
c) good
d) fair
e) poor
f) unsure
In your opinion, what is the overall state of salmon access in West Vancouver streams: i.e. the ability to migrate unobstructed by culverts, dams, etc.?
a) excellent
b) very good
c) good
d) fair
e) poor
f) unsure
In your opinion, what is the overall state of the estuary habitat of West Vancouver streams?
a) excellent
b) very good
c) good
d) fair
e) poor
f) unsure
In your opinion, what is the overall state of rearing habitat in West Vancouver streams?
a) excellent
b) very good
c) good
d) fair
e) poor
f) unsure
In your opinion, what is the overall state of the riparian habitat of West Vancouver streams?
a) excellent
b) very good
c) good
d) fair
e) poor
f) unsure
In your opinion, to what extent is property development in West Vancouver being planned and conducted in a sustainable manner, particularly in relation to West Vancouver streams?
a) excellently
b) very well
c) well
d) fairly
e) poorly
f) unsure