Hello: You are invited to participate in our diagnostic survey of your EDRMS Program Environment. This survey asks 72 True/False questions and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.
Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Kevin Dwyer at +61 408508490 or by email at the email address specified below.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
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* Which is your industry? |
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* Our project has no measures in place to calculate the change in use of the EDRMS. |
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How many locations do you operate from? |
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* Within our project we have defined the target figures that will demonstrate the change we require in use of the EDRMS. |
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* The purpose for undertaking our projects and program in not clear or documented. |
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* The Executive team, IT and the Records Management are not in agreement on the necessary outcome of our project(s). |
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* We have not evaluated or prioritised business processes for potential improvements using an EDRMS. |
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* We have not evaluated all the functionality of the EDRMS for potential application in the business. |
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* We do not have a documented strategic plan for our records project. |
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* The project team has limited knowledge or understanding of the processes used in the business. |
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* We have calculated the money or time that can be saved by using the EDRMS for one or more business processes. |
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* We have identified the risk events that will be eliminated by using the EDRMS for one or more business processes. |
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* The Executive is unaware of the financial costs and the financial benefits of achieving our record management program objectives. |
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* A risk analysis been completed to determine what will prevent our unit from delivering the record management program objectives. |
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* The budget has been allocated to the records team and we must work within that. |
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* The records management budget is evaluated annually against the activities to be completed. |
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* In determining the budget we have identified the level of change required in the business, and included the impact of that in calculating the required budget. |
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* The budget is portioned appropriately between the required activities of technology, training and change management. |
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* We do not have an approved record management policy. |
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* The records team is solely responsible for decisions regarding record management and does not seek input from a Steering committee or focus group. |
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* The Record Management unit is not required to provide a regular report on progress in record management improvement to the Executive Team. |
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* No auditing is in place for Business units against the record management policy by the Audit group or similar body. |
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* The Records management unit has an active sponsor on the Executive team. |
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* Each Executive leader has nominated a manager within their business area to engage with the records program team. |
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* Managers nominated to attend program engagement meetings and workshops appear unless they have an urgent and important conflict. |
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* Executive team members positively mention the program regularly at executive and other stakeholder meetings. |
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* We have major unresolved disagreements between project team members regarding implementation and uptake of the EDRMS. |
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* Team members recognise, respect and value the skills of everyone involved, including non-records members and SME's. |
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* Alternative approaches to achieving goals within our projects are openly discussed and debated. |
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* Team members tend to stick to what they know, not seeking education from other team members in areas where they lack depth or breadth of knowledge. |
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* A training needs analysis is not included in the project plan. |
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* We have analysed the root cause of current low use of the EDRMS, and can identify the extent to which the cause can be attributed to skill, knowledge, leadership and/or technical issues. |
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* I am unsure about what relevance and impact some of our actions in the project plan will have on the outcomes of the project. |
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* We have developed a timeline for completion of project activities based on the level of support and time required for each business area. The timeline includes allowance for current business unit commitments. |
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* The project team has no-one experienced in using an EDRMS for fully electronic document processes. |
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* No-one in the project team has participated in an EDRMS implementation previously. |
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* Our training plan includes development opportunities for the project team in both the skill and knowledge we require to support the business. |
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* A training model has been developed with follow through actions for participants to be completed post-training. |
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* We have a communication goal and strategy which describes what we want to achieve through the key messages for each audience, and the channels we will use for providing messages (presentations, email, newsletter, intranet, etc.). |
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* We do not formally collect data to measure the effectiveness of our communication strategy. |
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* The communications messages have been incorporated into the training material and training program. |
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* I am unsure about what relevance and impact some of our communication activities will have on the outcomes of the project. |
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* We do not have a documented stakeholder management strategy. |
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* We have no specific plans to influence stakeholders. |
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* A large majority of managers of the business units understand and accept their responsibility in making the EDRMS program a success. |
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* We have no formal mechanism for gaining feedback on stakeholder views of the EDRMS program. |
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* Individual responsibility for managing records is included in all of our job descriptions. |
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* Internal audit include records management in their annual audit plan of business units. |
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* We have not developed performance indicators for records management in the business units. |
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* We generate reports on the performance indicators for records management in the business units at least quarterly and present them to senior management. |
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* The records team complete the file plans on behalf of our end users. |
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* We provide end users with templates to assist with file planning. |
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* End users develop their file plans and naming conventions without assistance. |
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* We work with business units to set completion times for segments of file planning activity. |
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* We commence integration of business process with EDRMS practice with processes that are simple to analyse and associated with low risk outcomes. |
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* In our plan compliance with legislation is the key driver of business units utilising the functionality of the EDRMS. |
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* Our planning includes actions for the team or the business unit to detail "as-is" steps in current processes. |
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* We have identified cross-functional business processes that require facilitation to provide effective EDRMS solutions and have the capability within the records team to support their analysis. |
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* We have managerial approval to work with business units to identify current processes that can be improved by conversion to a fully electronic process which may extend into additional software solutions. |
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* Business unit managers are not keen to redesign their processes to take advantage of EDRMS functionality to improve the processes. |
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* The re-engineering of cross-functional processes such as HR or Financial processes, are not included in our plan. |
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* Business units regard the EDRMS as just an additional impost to comply with legislation. |
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* Face to face training, either as a group or one-to-one session, is available for all staff. |
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* A variety of training resources (manuals, eLearning, Quick Guides) is available to all staff. |
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* Record management training is included in the workplace induction training, and provided within 1 month of commencing work. |
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* There is a documented process that ensures all staff are enrolled in and complete EDRMS training. |
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* The records team have limited EDRMS end user functionality skills and experience in demonstrating how the EDRMS can improve business process. |
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* The records team are recognised by the business units as having good coaching skills. |
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* We select and train users from the business units to communicate and provide workplace support to their team members on simple recordkeeping principles, such as naming conventions. |
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* We select and train users from the business units to provide workplace support to their team members in how to use standard EDRMS functionality. |
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* We use face-to-face or electronic forums as a means of providing peer-to-peer support. |
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* We provide help-desk support for both EDRMS and recordkeeping issues. |
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* We do not have a formalised method to provide feedback to the records team on workplace issues and opportunities in our plan. |
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* We communicate with our users on a wide range of issues regularly using mediums such as newsletters, emails and organisation magazines. |
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