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Hello Team Emerald ESOP Participant!
Please take a few minutes to answer these brief questions about our ESOP Plan - this will help us to better provide more meaningful and beneficial information about the Plan. Note: you may participate anonymously and all indiviudal responses will be kept confidential.
Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Thank you!
I was able to understand the ESOP Plan summary.
Not at all
Not very much
I kind of get it
I understand the Plan
Piece of cake!
I understand the following Plan specifics Poorly (0) to Extremely Well (10)
How My Account Vests
How Allocation is Different from Vesting
Company Contributions to My Account
How My Account is Valued
How Additional Plan Participants Affect Me
I understand my future Plan Benefits options as follows (Poorly (0) to Extremely Well (10)) :
Upon Retirement
Upon Death / Disability
Upon Termination
I Understand How the Plan's Value Can Change Over Time
I understand my Annual Statement:
Not at all
For the most part
Piece of cake!
Please select any items you would like to learn more about:
How the Plan is administered
How the Plan is valued
How Emerald invests Plan assets / Fund liquidity
How the Plan funds retirements
How or when benefits are paid to me

Any other comments or questions you may have:
THANK YOU for taking the time to complete this survey. We will schedule a follow-up lunch & learn with answers to your (confidential) responses and questions.