Which of the following best describes the department you work for? |
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Which of the following best describes your position here? |
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Overall how satisfied are you with your position at this company? |
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How motivated are you to see the company succeed? |
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I have a clear path for career advancement? |
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My job requirements are clear. |
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How many years have you been working for your current employer? |
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I feel sufficiently rewarded for my contributions to my company. |
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I like being recognized in front of a group. |
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I would rather receive rewards as part of a team rather than individually. |
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I would rather receive feedback from my manager than peers. |
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I personally receive general recognition (thank you) for successful accomplishments. |
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I would work harder if I knew that my effort would lead to higher pay. |
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I work harder on a project if public recognition is attached to it. |
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I need to know that my skills and values are impacting organization's success. |
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I am motivated by new challenges. |
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I am provided the opportunity to use all my skills and talent. |
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The opportunity to learn new skills increase my enthusiasm at work. |
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Your company provides employees the opportunity to learn new skills. |
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Your company provides employees the opportunity to learn new skills. |
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Your boss provides you the time for your employees to learn new skills. |
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I take advantage of the opportunity to learn new skills. |
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I am officially evaluated often. |
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I receive performance feedback often. |
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Your boss is patience/sensitive towards you. |
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Autonomy is an important factor in job satisfaction. |
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I work in an autonomous environment. |
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Your company communicates initiatives and goals to you. |
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Your boss further educates you on the companies initiatives and goals. |
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What I am working on is important to the well-being of the organization. |
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Your boss often re-prioritizes projects. |
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I enjoy customer contact. |
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Customers are internal or external? |
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I consider myself a self-motivated employee. |
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I keep my eyes and ears open for better job opportunities. |
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| What motivate you the most at your job? | | | | What de-motivates you the most at your job? | | | | What have you tried, both successfully or unsuccessfully, to handle the motivations and attitudes of plateaued, complacent performers within your team? | | | | What was the outcome? | | |