Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Q1- Your Rotation was in
AlManaa General Hospital in Khobar
Teaching Hospital
National Guards
Q2- About the Program
Strongly Agree Agree Sometimes Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
* (1) My training program provides me with briefings, descriptive material for participation in the field experience and the evaluation methods for my performance assessment (Training program)
Q3- About the Academic Instructor
Strongly Agree Agree Sometimes Disagree Strongly Disagree No
* (2) The academic instructor ensures that I practically covered all requirements specified in the course description
* (2) The academic instructor ensures that I practically covered all requirements specified in the course description
* (3) The academic instructor completes my evaluations in a timely manner
* (4) The academic instructor informs me of my strengths and weaknesses in a timely manner
* (5) The academic instructor attempts to find solutions to problems I face during my training
* (6) The academic instructor ensures that my training schedule is adhered to
* (7) The academic instructor sufficiently explains to me training activities and procedures to allow for acquisition of required skills
Q4- About the training person at the hospital
Strongly Agree Agree Sometimes Disagree Strongly Disagree No
(8) I understood the learning outcomes and gained professional practice experiences during this rotation.
(9) The hospital Trainer provides me with orientation about the training prior to starting the rotation
(10) The hospital Trainer shows readiness to help me satisfy my learning needs
(11) The hospital Trainer acts in a professional manner in the clinical setting
(12) The hospital Trainer is available to me during training.
(13) The hospital Trainer thoughtfully reviews with me my assessment of training tasks
Q5- In general:
Strongly Agree Agree Sometimes Disagree Strongly Disagree No
* (14) The environment of the training department in the hospital is suitable and comfortable for my training.
* (15) The training hospital is effective to develop the learning outcomes
* (16) UOD field supervisor (HIMT lecturer/demonstrator) understands her role in the fieldwork.
* (17) I'm satisfied with my training experience
(18) Other comments about your training experience:
(19) Any suggestions to make your training experience more beneficial and enjoyable: