Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. The survey will take about 5 minutes. The responses from this survey will be used to improve the functionality of the [COMPANY] site. In addition, detailed comments and suggestions on how we can improve the site can be forwarded to the webmaster at [EMAIL_ADDRESS]. Thank you. |
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Tell us how often you visit our site.
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When you visit the site, are you using the computer from
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Please tell us why you visit our site (please check all that apply)? |
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Several state agencies have moved on to e-commerce, that is, conducting business on-line. If [COMPANY/AGENCY] provided a web site, would you take advantage of conducting the following [AGENCY] businesses online? |
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Would you say our web site is: |
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How much effort did you have to take to find our web site?
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From what you have seen and your experience with other sites, please rate the following features of the web page:
From your experience, what do you find to be the biggest challenge with using our site?
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Did the menu of items on the home page make sense to you?
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Did you experience any problems downloading files?
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How did you hear about the Website?
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| We would like to hear your suggestions on how we can expand or improve our site. What additional information or features would you like to see added to the site? | | | | Email | | |
1. Which of the following best describes your position within the company?
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2. In which state is your office located? |
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3. Including yourself, how many employees work at this location? |
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Which of the following categories can your firm be classified under? |
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5. Please select the range that is closest to the approximate annual sales for your company, at this location in [YEAR] |
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6. We are interested in understanding more about the role you play in selecting website services for your company. For each of the items below, please tell us what your individual involvement is in the purchasing process.
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7. For each of the following areas listed, please tell us if your company purchased this service in the past 6 months and if that purchase was made on-line.
8. How much would you estimate your company spent in the past 6 months on the following web related activities (at this location)?
9. For each of the following areas listed, please tell us if your company plans to purchase this service in the next 6 months and if you plan to purchase on-line.
10. Which of the following best describes your company's website?
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11. How satisfied are you with the overall quality, look, feel, and functionality of your website? |
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