Thank You for taking the time to read and take this survey. As a student for Endicott College in Beverly, Massachusettes, USA, I am required to complete a Final Capstone which is to research question within my Field of study. |
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How often do you visit your own corporate website?
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When you visit the site, are you using the computer from
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So we can match the right information with the needs of our visitors to the site, please tell us why you visit our site?
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Several State Agencies have moved on to E-Commerce, that is, conducting business on-line. If [COMPANY/AGENCY] deployed E-Commerce, would you take advantage of conducting the following [agency] businesses online?
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Would you say our Web Site is: |
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How much effort did your search require before you found what you were looking for? (Did it take a long time? Did you have to try several times?)
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From what you have seen and your experience with other sites, please rate the following features of the web page: From what you have seen and your experience with other sites, please rate the following features of the web page:
From your experience, what do you find to be the biggest challenge with using our site?
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Did the menu of items on the home page make sense to you?
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Did you experience any problems downloading files?
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How did you hear about the Website?
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| We would like to hear your suggestions on how we can expand or improve our site. What additional information or features would you like to see added to the site? | | | | Email | | |