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Faculty Development Interest Survey
Faculty Development Interest Survey
The Teaching Learning Center (TLC) and ICIT are conducting an interest survey to find out what type of support Hunter College faculty would like for teaching and professional development. The results of this survey will be used for planning our programs and services. Data will be aggregated and no names will ever be used. If you have any questions, please contact Jeanne Weiler, Director, TLC (212-772-4001,
[email protected]
) or Gina Cherry, Educational Technologist, ICIT (212-772-5425,
[email protected]
1. The following are examples of workshops that the Hunter College Teaching Learning Center (TLC) might offer. Please rate your interest in each of the following topics.
Leading classroom discussions
Teaching large classes
Lecturing effectively
Assigning and assessing student writing
Developing faculty learning communities
Active learning techniques (making the classroom less teacher-centered)
Strategies for teaching non-native English speakers
Using various technologies in the classroom
Working with teaching assistants/recitation group leaders
Developing course learning goals
Creating or improving course syllabi
Focusing on how students learn
Initiating a book club for faculty
Other workshop topics of interest:
3. The following is a list of services that the TLC might offer in addition to workshops. Please rate your interest in each of the following services.
Adjunct/teaching assistant training
New faculty orientations
New faculty support groups
Programs for mid-career faculty
Programs for senior faculty
Faculty development newsletter
On-line weekly teaching tips
Grants for attending conferences related to teaching and learning
Video-taping classroom activities for teaching improvement consultation
Formal mentoring programs
Books, journals and videos related to teaching and learning
Consultations on career development
Intensive summer institutes (teaching with technology, teaching workshops)
Faculty funding to conduct research on teaching and student learning.
Consultations on teaching
Would you be willing to share a particular pedagogical strategy or your knowledge about teaching or student learning as a panelist or workshop facilitator? If yes, may we contact you?
In what ways, if any, have you incorporated technology in the courses you teach?
Given sufficient resources and support, how would you like to use technology in your classes?
7. The following is a list of some formats in which we might provide support for teaching with technology. Please rate your interest in each format.
Ongoing discussion group meetings (brown bag lunches)
“Best Practices” panel discussions (round table discussions)
Teaching with Technology forums (presentations by faculty members)
Online discussion groups
Online profiles of exemplary uses of technology (faculty profiles and teaching tips)
Teaching with Technology Summer Institute (2-3 day intensive workshop)
Peer mentoring program (pair technology novices with experienced technology users)
Workshops on pedagogical issues related to teaching with technology (classes given by ICIT staff)
Workshops on technical issues related to teaching with technology (classes given by ICIT staff)
Presentations by technology vendors
Other suggestions for formats:
9. Which specific topics would you like to see addressed in future Teaching with Technology events? Please rate your interest in each of the following topics.
Blackboard best practices
Blackboard discussion board
Online assessements/exams
Electronic portfolios
Classroom polling systems (“clickers”)
Discipline-specific examples of teaching with technology
Creating effective PowerPoint presentations
Student projects using multi-media or PowerPoint
Videoconferencing in the classroom
Creating screen movies
Using WordÂ’s review features to grade assignments
Creating a web page
Using Smart Classrooms effectively
Incorporating video or multimedia
Evaluating the use of technology in teaching
Getting funding for teaching with technology
Online courses/distance learning
Web-based research assignments/Webquests
Other suggestions for topics:
Please describe any topic related to teaching with technology that you would be willing to share with or present to colleagues.
In which format(s) would you be willing to share the above knowledge/experience? (check all that apply)
Be a panelist on a “Best Practices” panel
Present your experiences at a Teaching with Technology forum
Lead a hands-on technology workshop
Be featured in an online profile
Facilitate a discussion group session
Be a technology mentor to another faculty member
Other (specify)
Other comments:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Would you like to be added to the Educational Technology email list?
Please contact
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.