Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey

The aim of this survey is to contribute to the development of Guidelines for effective management of public production forests in tropical countries through forest concessions. The Guidelines will support policy makers, forest concessionaires, local communities, and other interested stakeholders to improve the design, implementation and administration of forest concessions.

The questions in this survey have been developed based on an extensive literature review. The survey and all responses gathered will be kept confidential and no single person will be identifiable from the results. Your feedback will be used to improve the draft forest concessions principles and guidelines. You will be able to indicate how you wish to be acknowledged in the final publication. We very much appreciate your contribution!

Please provide your contact information.
Title (Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms./other):
First name:
Last name:
Type of organisation:
Please indicate geographic focus of your response to this questionnaire.
* Email Address
Could we acknowledge your contribution in the final publication?
1. (A) Please review the draft principles and suggest rewording if necessary, and (B) propose additional principles, if you find an important aspect is missing.
Principle 1: Coherence with forest related policy objectives and legal and institutional frameworks
Principle 2: Clear, credible and effective institutional and legal frameworks
Principle 3: Transparent and accountable planning, implementation and monitoring of forest concessions
Principle 4: Consistent consideration of economic and financial feasibility and a clear business model
Principle 5: Clarity of tenure rights and respective responsibilities
Principle 6: Community engagement and transparent benefit sharing
Principle 7: Environmental integrity and full compliance with sustainable forest management
(B) Additional suggestions:
2. Please review suggested guidelines (G.x.y.) below and: (i) Indicate your level of agreement in a scale of 1 [Highly disagree] to 5 [strongly agree] for the content of suggested guidelines, and (ii) propose additional guidelines, if you find an important aspect is missing.
Principle 1: Coherence with forest related policy objectives
Highly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
G1.1: Assess public production forests’ role for economic, social and environmental policy objectives
G1.2: Ensure alignment between forest policy and land use policy
G1.3: Develop a forest policy that ensures the contributions of public production forests to sustainable development
G1.4: Additional suggestion 1:
G1.5: Additional suggestion 2:
Please add any comments on the proposed draft guidelines under Principle 1 (you can resize the text box if you need more space):
Principle 2: Clear, credible and effective institutional and legal frameworks
Highly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
G2.1: Develop an effective legal framework for forest concessions
G2.2: Create mechanisms to ensure stability of legal framework and respect to existing contracts
G2.3 Ensure sufficient institutional capacities and clear mandates to design and implement forest concessions
G2.3: Additional suggestion 1
G2.4: Additional suggestion 2
Please add any comments on the proposed draft guidelines under Principle 2 (you can resize the text box if you need more space):
Principle 3: Transparent and accountable planning, implementation and monitoring of forest concessions
Highly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
G3.1: Foster multi-stakeholder participation in all stages of forest concessions, including at local level
G3.2: Ensure transparent allocation and contract award procedures
G3.3: Ensure accountable monitoring and enforcement of contracts
G3.4: Introduce accountability mechanisms to prevent conflicts of interests
G3.4: Additional suggestion 1
G3.5: Additional suggestion 2
Please add any comments on the proposed draft guidelines under Principle 3 (you can resize the text box if you need more space):
Principle 4: Consistent consideration of economic and financial feasibility and a clear business model
Highly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
G4.1: Develop long-term goals for concessions
G4.2: Ensure concessionaires’ economic capacity for the needed investments
G4.3: Ensure public policies and economic and financial incentives are not harmful to forest concessions
G4.4: Establish mechanisms for transparent revenue collection and distribution
G4.4: Additional suggestion 1
G4.5: Additional suggestion 2
Please add any comments on the proposed draft guidelines under Principle 4 (you can resize the text box if you need more space):
Principle 5: Clarity of tenure rights and respective responsibilities
Highly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
G5.1: Ensure clarity and security of tenure rights
G5.2. Implement grievance mechanisms
G5.2: Additional suggestion 1
G5.3: Additional suggestion 2
Please add any comments on the proposed draft guidelines under Principle 5 (you can resize the text box if you need more space):
Principle 6: Community engagement and transparent benefit sharing mechanisms
Highly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
G6.1 Ensure engagement of local communities at all phases of forest concession
G6.2 Contribute to improved local economies and local livelihoods
G6.3 Develop transparent and equitable benefit sharing mechanism
G6.4: Additional suggestion 1
G6.5: Additional suggestion 2
Please add any comments on the proposed draft guidelines under Principle 6 (you can resize the text box if you need more space):
Principle 7: Environmental integrity and full compliance with sustainable forest management
Highly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
G7.1: Develop management plans based on reduced impact logging, social considerations and comprehensive financial analyses
G7.2: Ensure full implementation, monitoring and assessment of forest management plans
G7.3: Manage forest concession for all its ecosystem goods and services
G7.4: Implement appropriate silvicultural techniques compatible with the objectives of sustainable forest management
G7.4: Additional suggestion 1
G7.5: Additional suggestion 2
Please add any comments on the proposed draft guidelines under Principle 7 (you can resize the text box if you need more space):
3. What do you think can enhance the potential of forest concessions to contribute to local development and improved livelihoods? Please tick the level of importance of the following aspects and add others if you feel necessary.
Requirements to concession: Perceived level of importance
Not important Slightly important Neutral Important Very important
Legal obligation on socioeconomic investment
Incentives for companies to engage more in local development
Recognize and formally endorse communities to exercise specific rights to certain resources within concession area
Engagement of local communities at various stages
Micro zoning and authorization of customary use rights inside the concession area
Integration of local knowledge and uses
Financial payments to local communities
Provisions of employment opportunities to local communities
Independent community-based monitoring to ensure the concession holder respects commitments to local development
Provide improved farming inputs and techniques, including agroforestry practices
Concessionaire's contribution to improve the health and education of local populations
Implement a forest certification system
Additional suggestion 1
Additional suggestion 2
Additional suggestion 3
4. From your perspective, what are the enabling conditions that should be in place before investing human and financial capital in forest concessions in a tropical country?
Please indicate the enabling conditions' level of importance.
Not important Slightly important Neutral Important Very important
Costs of forest management
Existence of adequate technical guidelines on forest management
Ecosystem services and other goods (beyond timber) inventoried and considered in management plan
Customary use rights will be taken into account and administered with the concessions
Secure tenure
Effective procedure for community engagement in management
Effective procedure for respecting and honouring existing contracts
Availability of and access to information
Absence of corruption
Clear and transparent procedure for granting concession
Not important Slightly important Neutral Important Very important
Silvicultural systems that consider post-harvest treatments
Administrative procedures for granting concessions
Dispute resolution mechanism in place
Adequate access to market (e.g. road network, port)
Comprehensive knowledge of the forest resource through up-to-date and detailed inventory
Benefit-sharing mechanism in place
Effective and equitable forest revenue system
Institutional capacity to administer the forest resources
Policies that favour sustainable forest concessions
Please add important enabling conditions that you didn't find in the list. (You can resize the text box if you need more space.)
5. Considering the rights and needs of local communities, how would you advise for forest concessions to better respond to these needs and ensure rights are respected?  Please tick the three most important aspects to be considered in forest concessions model from the list below, and add others you feel necessary.
Select the three most important aspects for forest concession models:
Mutually exclusive concessions for local communities and private concessions
Mapping, recognizing and managing tenure rights in and around forest concession
Community-Private partnership for access to technical capacity
Community-Private partnership for access to financial services
Multiple-use of forests with e.g. permission for community to harvest non-wood forest products or salvage felled but unused timber
Joint private and community wood harvesting
Joint private harvesting and community agroforestry
Community-Private partnership for commercialization
Others (please specify):

6. What do you think are the most relevant measures to be undertaken by concessionaires to ensure that the environmental capacity to provide goods and services will be maintained after the concession contract is over?  Please tick the level of importance on a scale of 1 to 5 for the following measures, and add others if you feel necessary.
Please indicate the level of importance:
Not important Slightly important Neutral Important Very important
Develop a sustainable management plan
Respect forest management plan
Implement appropriate silvicultural practices
Conduct continuous monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of forest management plan
Provide comprehensive reporting of the results of monitoring and evaluation
Revise forest management plan periodically or when necessary due to unforeseen circumstances
Produce permanent efforts to minimize impacts of harvesting activities on the condition of the forest and biodiversity
Ensure the natural regeneration capacity of the forests
Please add important measures that you didn't find in the list. (You can resize the text box if you need more space.)
7. Indicate the top four factors hindering concessionaires to ensure that the environmental capacity to provide goods and services will be maintained after the concession contract is over?
Select top four factors
Insecurity of long-term land and tree tenure rights
No, or little, compliance monitoring
Environmental benefits or forest management benefits unclear
Financial returns unclear
High costs
No contractual obligations in place
Lack of relevant technical expertise
Lack of relevant silvicultural knowledge
Others (please specify):

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